Chapter 2: Curiosity

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"So they couldn't change your schedule?" Hoseok asked as Yoongi plopped next to him on the hard dance floor. Groaning, Yoongi shook his head.

"All the other classes are filled already and no one is switching. So... I'm stuck in dance." He scowled as he glared at the dance room. "This isn't how I imagined I would die."

Hoseok snorted. "You won't die. Maybe like, having some maiming done, but you won't die," the red haired teased. Yoongi shot him a look.

"You're supposed to be supportive. Not an asshole about my upcoming torture. I'm too delicate for this shit," he sighed. Hoseok patted his shoulder.

"There, there, my dude. I'm sure it won't be so bad," he replied. "You can always feign illness or a broken leg."

"Except I actually need the grade and the credits."

"Oh yikes, dude," Hoseok flinched. Yoongi nodded his head gravely, and groaned again. "Well... maybe talk to the professor?"

"She seems like a bitch," he muttered. Hoseok laughed and didn't disagree just as she walked in and instantly took control of the room. As if on cue, Jeongguk burst through the room- out of breath and hair a mess.

"Almost on time, Mr. Jeon. Three strikes and you're out," she called. Jeongguk flinched and bowed, and moved to go to the corner. Yoongi offered him a small smile that he returned with a blush.

The professor continued talking. "Today we will be doing some basic stretches and starting to learn some moves. Everyone stand."

Let the torture begin.

Yoongi had never been more right. By the time the almost two hour class was finished, he was lying across the ground with his body soaked in sweat, his hair plastered to his forehead, and his breathing heavy as it wheezed through his throat.

Hoseok was at least upright, sweat dripping from his red hair as he cast the other man a sunshine grin that almost made him want to roll over and throw him the finger. He didn't dare move.

"You alive, hyung?"

"I fucking hate you," he hissed through clenched teeth. Hoseok broke back into light laughter, but the pale man ignored him completely as the professor cut off the music and gained the attention of the room.

"Alright- good work everyone. Since this is a freshman class, and we have many who have never danced before, I decided to start with a group pairing. Those who are freshman or just new to dancing, will be paired with someone with experience," she announced. "The groups will be decided next class. Dismissed."

Yoongi swore. "You mean I have to be paired with someone and embarrass the shit out of them? And myself? Fucking fantastic," he groaned, laying his head back against the ground with a sigh. Hoseok nudged his arm with his foot.

"You could be paired with me, hyung. That won't be so bad?"

"I'll accept my death now," he monotones. Hoseok scoffed and rolled his eyes. Fighting off a smile, he watched as the other man disappeared towards the back to find his water bottle and bag. Yoongi remained unable to move.

"You alright Yoongi hyung?" a voice asked. Yoongi groaned, peeling open his eyes to see a sweaty Jeongguk leaning over him, a slight smile touching his lips and brown eyes twinkling with what appeared to be amused as he stared down at the other. "You look like a mess."

"A hot mess," he corrected drily.

"I can tell by the sweat," Jeongguk bantered, fighting off a slight chuckle. Yoongi shot him a unamused look, even though a laugh bubbled up in the pit of his belly at the cheeky answer. "But for real, are you okay?"

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