Chapter 5: Truth Untold

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Jeongguk all but threw himself at his door, grappling at the handle of his door with a groan under his breath as it gave away under his weight and he nearly ended up a heap on the ground beneath him.

He was panting, more sweat dripping down his forehead as he looked around his meager apartment with large eyes. The kitchen light was on, the fresh scent of food slowly vanishing from the area, and the dining table chairs pushed in with the table cleared and wiped down.

"Jin hyung? Minjun!" he shouted, tossing his keys on the counter as he hurried around the kitchen, which was connected to the dining room, and nearly squeaked when Seokjin poked his head out from the archway that connected the kitchen and dining area to the living space.

"Gukkie!" the older man said, relief clear on his face as he hurried over and pulled him into his arms. The scent of vanilla and baby powder assaulted his nose and he relaxed for a moment, taking int he hug from someone he considered family. "You're so late! I was worried that you fell asleep on the side of the road or something!"

Jeongguk pulled away and sighed, running his hand through his damp hair with a grimace. "Sorry, hyung. Class ran over time and I didn't even know. I am so sorry, hyung. I didn't mean to be this late!" he explained, waving his hands. 

Seokjin waved him off. "Don't. It's fine, and you know it," the older scolded lightly, brushing a lock of his pink hair from his eyes as he gave Jeongguk a fond smile. "Minjun is-"

"Daddy," a small voice called. 

Jeongguk felt his heart settle as he heard the small voice from his son. Seokjin moved from the archway and revealed the small black haired boy who was standing in the hall, thumb in his mouth and his hand wrapped tightly around his blue blanket.

"Hey, baby," Jeongguk breathed, kneeling down and opening his arms. The boy waddled quickly into his father's arms and wrapped his tiny, chubby hands around his neck. Jeongguk sighed in relief at the small bundle in his arms, the scent of his baby shampoo tangling in his senses.

"Smelly daddy," the boy said, pulling away as he scrunched his nose. Jeongguk chuckled and pressed chaste kisses all over his face. The boy squealed and kicked his tiny little legs. "No daddy!"

"But I missed my big boy! And you didn't give me my goodbye kiss this morning, so I gotta make up for it," Jeongguk pouted, grinning as he felt his son's hands on his cheeks to stop him from making more kisses. Minjun looked thoughtful a moment before he pressed a sloppy kiss to his right cheek, and then another on the left.

"Two kissy," Minjun said, smiling happily. Jeongguk smiled back and kissed his head before he set him down, glancing at the clock with a frown. Minjun shoved his thumb back in his mouth, and Jeongguk silently moved it away.

"Baby, why are you still up? It's past bedtime," Jeongguk asked, frowning slightly as he shifted the boy's dark bangs from his dark eyes. Minjun shifted his weight, sleepy eyes locking on his father's.

"Daddy no here, Mini no sleepy," he mumbled, babbling a bit to himself. Jeongguk sighed before picking him up and placing him back on his hip.

Seokjin watched quietly, a fond and loving smile on his face as Jeongguk gave him a look before he took Minjun to his bed- their shared bed really since Jeongguk couldn't bare to sleep without Minjun near him- and laid him down.

Minjun fussed a little, but Jeongguk shushed him gently and pulled the blanket over him as she started to sing Justin Biebers song '2U' quietly until the boy fell asleep. Watching him a moment, Jeongguk leaned down and pressed a kiss to the crown of his head before he stood and wandered back to the living room.

Seokjin was in the kitchen, leaning against the counter, scrolling through his phone. When Jeongguk entered, he closed it and smiled. "I made some black bean noodles- they are in the fridge. Make sure and eat them, Guk."

Jeongguk nodded, reaching to grab a glass and filling it with water from the sink. He swallowed down some of the glass and sighed. "How was he today? Last night he woke up around 2 am since he wet the bed, and then refused to go back down," he admitted. "He was so cranky this morning- I couldn't get him to do anything."

Seokjin frowned, noticing the distress on the younger's face. His dark eyes looked exhausted, his clothes now sticky from the sweat and his mouth pressed into a firm line. Heart reaching out, he brushed a hand through his hair.

"He's three, Guk. He's gonna have tantrums and moments like this," Seokjin reasoned. Jeongguk bit his cheek, nodding his head.

"But, hyung, he was never like this. He's always been so mild tempered and, and, even when he was one and two he still listened." Jeongguk inhaled a shuddering breath as he rubbed his face. "I couldn't get him to daycare on time, hyung. I was late to my first class because he refused to put on his shoes, and fought over what clothes to wear. Heck, he didn't even let me brush his hair."

Seokjin frowned. When he picked Minjun up from daycare, he noticed the three year old was a little off. He kept asking for daddy and threw two tantrums that surprised Seokjin since Minjun didn't really throw tantrums. He wasn't that kind of baby.

"Guk, I think he misses you," Seokjin murmured quietly. Jeongguk looked up, brown eyes wide through his bangs as Seokjin touched his shoulder gently. "You're always either working or at class, and he doesn't see you as much. You're his everything, Gukkie."

"And he's my everything, but hyung, I can't not work. I need this money. And I can't take online classes anymore. I need my degree so I can give him a better life," Jeongguk breathed, eyes glistening with tears as he looked down the hall towards the bedroom where his son lay asleep. "I don't want him to end up like me."

"Oh, Jeongguk," Seokjin murmured, leaning over and pulling the smaller man into his arm. Jeongguk sobbed as he nestled himself into the older's arms and just sobbed out his pain. Today had been hard for him.

Silence lapsed between the two before Jeongguk sighed and pulled away, wiping his face with a sleeve of shirt. Jeongguk felt a bit foolish- he shouldn't have been crying. He had a three year to care for. His feelings don't matter.

Bustling towards the fridge, he took out the noodles and didn't bother to heat them up. He just grabbed chopsticks and started eating. Seokjin rolled his eyes but didn't comment.

"He was pretty good today- threw a few tantrums, which surprised me, and kept asking for you. I put him a bedtime diaper, and made he didn't drink anything before bed. He went pee once, and poo earlier today. He ate okay, but he is pretty picky. You two seem alright now."

"Bless three year old memory," Jeongguk laughed before he quieted. "Thank you, hyung. Seriously. I owe you everything. I owe you my life."

"Yeah, gonna stop you right there," Seokjin teased, gathering his things. "You know how much I love you and that little boy in there. You say I saved your lives, but really, you helped save mine. You are the little brother and nephew I never had."

Jeongguk groaned. "It's too darn late for all this sappy stuff. Get out of here and go sleep, okay?" the younger rebuked. Seokjin laughed before he hugged Jeongguk once more and left without another word.

The sound of the front door clicking closed caused Jeongguk to deflate a bit, leaving him to his apartment. He finished his noodles and washed the Tupperware before he drifted to the back. The living room was mostly clean, much to his surprise and gratitude.

Minjun's toys were all put away in the chest, his blanket folded over the couch, and Jeongguk's school supplies high enough so the curious and wandering three year old can't get to it. The movies were closed up, the TV off.

Satisfied, Jeongguk plopped on the couch and finished the last bit of his homework with tired eyes before he managed to take a five minute shower. Dressing in simple pajama bottoms and a tee, he climbed into the bed and pulled the little body of his son closer.

Staring into his features, noting the brown eyes that matched his, and the angular shaped face, he felt the familiar affection fill his chest before he kissed his head and fell asleep with a slight smile on his face.

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