Chapter 31: I'll show you.

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Jeongguk strolled into dance with a soft smile, eager to see Yoongi and spend some time with him. Yoongi was planning on coming with him today- they planned it yesterday when Jeongguk picked up his son- and he was so ready for an easy night of homework and lazy date on the couch.

But what he saw when he walked into the semi-full dance studio made his smile fade and his eyes to widen. Hoseok was sitting far away from Yoongi. His brown eyes were red slightly, dark circles under his eyes, and his usually bubbly smile was replaced with a look so heartbreaking that Jeongguk felt his breathe catch.

Yoongi was sitting in his usual place, his head down and eyes sad as he kept shooting glances towards Hoseok with pleading eyes. The red haired man seemed to be having none of it as he barely even looked his way, staring straight ahead blankly.

When Jeongguk stepped into the room, Hoseok looked over, their eyes locking a moment before the older turned his head away like he didn't even know him. There was no smile, no loud 'Jeonggukkie~', just a silence that rang louder than any sound.

On slow legs, Jeongguk approached Yoongi and sat on the floor, staring at Hoseok in worry and fear. Yoongi offered a weak smile, reaching over and lacing their fingers together. "Hyung, what... what is wrong with Hobi hyung?"

He exhaled slowly, his dark orbs glistening with crystal tears that caused him to turn his head away before Jeongguk could notice, but he did anyways. "He... he knows that we're keeping things from him... Me, Joon, and you- along, with uh... his secret boyfriend," he mumbled, voice cracking slightly. He heaved a shuddering breathe. "He walked into my apartment last night... after Min left. He saw the kid stuff and... he wanted to know why."

Jeongguk tensed, body coiling like a spring as dread tickled in the pit of his belly. Was he angry because he had a son? Did he hate him now that he knew? Was he thinking about how disgusting Jeongguk must be to have a three year old?

Yoongi squeezed his hand firmly, dragging Jeongguk's eyes back to him. "I didn't tell him, Guk. I would never do that." Jeongguk released a soft breathe, but his heart still ached. He didn't like the fact that they were fighting. They may not be as close as him and Yoongi, but he did care about him. "Which is why he is mad. Upset. He thinks everyone is keeping stuff from him, and sadly, he isn't wrong."

Jeongguk frowned. "Why would his boyfriend keep stuff from him?" he wondered. Yoongi hesitated before he looked down.

"Because of who he is," he said slowly. "I may know who he is because he came to me for advice, but I respect his choice to wait till he is comfortable before, well, I say who. But just know it's, uh, pretty shocking, okay?"

A part of Jeongguk wanted to push, to question, but he knew what it was like to have a secret so he had no reason to even deny or question. But he hated the sadness that was hovering over Yoongi like a cloud, his lips turned downward and his eyes constantly looking towards his best friend.

He was solemn, almost heartbroken it seemed, and it made Jeongguk feel a wave of guilt blister over conscious. Hoseok wasn't speaking to Yoongi because it was Jeongguk's secret that he was protecting.

His heart clenched painfully- that wasn't fair. Not to Yoongi, and definitely not to Hoseok who looked agonized and so utterly alone.

"Namjoon called me in a panic since Hoseok wasn't answering his calls- he has cut both of us off," he continued, a pained look crossing his features as he looked back at his lap. Jeongguk bit his lip, turning his eyes towards Hoseok and noticed the way he kept his eyes forward.

"Hyung... after class... he's coming with us," he finally said. Yoongi's head jerked up, confusion on his face as Jeongguk turned and showed a look of determination and slight anxiety as he offered a tiny smile. "Hobi hyung is my friend and I need to... I need to get over this fear. He has a right to know."

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