Chapter 38: Serendipity

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"Baby, stay still, please," Jeongguk begged, grasping tightly onto Minjun's shoulders as he tried to keep the wiggling toddler still. Minjun was bouncing, tiny fingers gripping at his nice pants with a slight pout to his face. "Don't you dare take those off."

"Daddy, itchy," he whined, brown eyes wide as he stomped his foot lightly. Jeongguk huffed, trying to get a stray piece of his fringe from his eyes as he desperately tried to get the other to remain still as he finished buttoning the shirt.

"I know, but we need to look nice for, uh, Papa's mommy, okay?" Jeongguk replied softly, feeling his own nerves flare to life inside the pit of his belly. Minjun pouted, but looked down as he was finally done and pulled away. Jeongguk sighed, pulling away and glancing at his son's messy hair. "Oh sweetheart, why did you end up with daddy's hair, hmm?"

"Lucky me!" he cooed, grinning up towards his father happily. Jeongguk smiled, unable to help it. He treasured these moments cause he knew he wouldn't always have them. He examined the little blue dress shirt and the long white pants his son was now sporting and nodded.

"Okay, now... you can go play with a toy in the living room, but do not be messy, do you hear me?" he ordered, giving his son a stern look. Minjun nodded before skipping out of his room and dashing into the living room. "Watch. He is so gonna stain those pants."

Shaking his head, he glanced at his phone and checked the time. It was nine thirty, and it sent electricity to surge through his blood, a fine layer of sweat to dot his brow as he hurried out of his room and dashing into the bathroom.

Yoongi was in the kitchen, preparing some traditional Daegu meal that Jeongguk was too nervous to truly recall at the moment as he stripped from his pajamas and hopped into the burning shower.

Everything inside him was screaming- he wasn't sure why he agreed to do this. Maybe because he knew that Yoongi was right and he had to grow up one day. He promised that his mother seemed to truly care, but after his experience with people he considered his "friends" and "family" he wasn't so sure.

Sighing, he finished washing his hair and stepped out. He toweled off and hurried back to the bedroom, dressing in a simple black jeans with no holes, some black boots, and then a black turtle neck.

Ruffling his hair and swiping it from his eyes, he stared at himself with nervous brown eyes as his nose twitched and his tongue poked his cheek. Black wasn't usually his style but he didn't know what else to wear. He had to impress.

Stepping out of the bedroom, he ran his fingers through his hair a few more times and bit his lip as he saw Minjun already playing with his toys and babbling to himself, and sounds coming from the kitchen as the smell of food touched the air.

Anxious and wanting something to keep him busy, he briskly walked to the kitchen and saw Yoongi there. He was much more casual than Jeongguk, the other noticed, wearing acid washed ripped jeans that hung low on his waist, a belt, a white shirt, and a forest green shirt unbutton and used as a jacket and red high top converse.

He looked hot.

Jeongguk felt his lips twitch into a smirk, eyeing the way his sleeves were rolled up to expose his pale white, veiny arms as he cooked with his messy hair- redyed to be a sugary white color that he looked damn good in- and just looking so boyfriend material that Jeongguk almost wanted to let him rough him up a bit.

But one little squeal from the living room and the time on the oven was enough to remind him that it was not possible.

Yoongi must have sensed his heated stare since he turned and glanced behind him, a bright gummy smile adorning his features once he caught sight of him.

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