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During the late morning, a helicopter landed on an abandoned building. BLACK EYE LEADER ' CAPTAIN ' walked out of the helicopter with his aide ' HANDLER '. CAPTAIN was in his early sixties whereas the HANDLER was in his early forties.

CAPTAIN met BLACK EYE AGENT ' OSPREY ' , a skilled operative cum assassin. CAPTAIN shook hand with him.

OSPREY handed over him a file.

He asked him loudly to get over the sound of chopper, " Who is he? "

OSPREY replied " We call him BLACK HAWK. "


They went downstairs and went through the corridor of second floor. CAPTAIN opened the file which had a photo of ANUP DHAWAN with his details including his codename ' BLACK HAWK '.

" Why do they have named him BLACK HAWK? "

" Because he never miss his shot. "

" How long he has been in this program? "

" Three years. Prior to that he was in secret intelligence for five years. "

" Where was he sent for assignment? "

" Two years in KARACHI, two years in SYRIA and one year in DUBAI. "

They entered a room which was straight to the corridor. There was a woman seated on a broken chair with a black mask on her face. A long table was placed adjacent to the room door. The table's length was stretched to the woman's chair. ANUP DHAWAN A.K.A BLACK HAWK was standing besides the table.

CAPTAIN looked at him.

He said, " I read your profile. It's quite impressive. How could you make such a mess of the national security? "

" I have already accepted my mistake. I want to amend them. "

" To commit another one. " CAPTAIN told him and chuckled.

OSPREY whispered in his ear, " COMMANDER has ordered to bring him back. "

CAPTAIN continued, " So MR. BLACK HAWK, how you are going to redeem your mistakes? "

" I will make her to cross the Iranian border. She won't tell anyone about us. ".

CAPTAIN came closer to him, " What if she does? "

" I believe her. She won't tell anyone. I can assure you. "

" For how long she has been with you in turkey? "

" Five months. "

" You blindly trusted an Iranian girl on Turkish soil who was about to kill you after a five month relationship. "

" It wasn't her who tried to kill me. "

OSPREY interrupted, " It was her husband. He is in Iranian military. He had sent his wife to foil our operation. "

" She is a threat to us. "

CAPTAIN came near to the woman and removed the black mask. The woman was a white persian with light blue eyes and light brown hair. She looked right at the CAPTAIN.

" Your name? "

The woman replied, " ARIANA. "

" Full name. "


CAPTAIN pulled another chair and sat before her.

" So ARIANA, tell me about your husband. Whom does he work for? "

She shook her head and turned her head down.

" ARIANA. Look at me. Tell me clearly whom does your husband work for? "

" She doesn't know anything. She was just used by him. " BLACK HAWK told the CAPTAIN.

OSPREY held him with his hand. BLACK HAWK turned to him and looked into his eyes.

" No. Don't do this. " BLACK HAWK warned OSPREY.

" I am sorry you've to stay behind. "

CAPTAIN left the seat and walked ahead to the HANDLER. He indicated him with a cutthroat gesture of which HANDLER nodded his head. CAPTAIN walked out of the room. HANDLER pulled out his Beretta 22 out of his holsters to shoot ARIANA but BLACK HAWK pushed OSPREY towards him. The bullet got shot at OSPREY'S back that nearly killed him.

He picked up his GLOCK 17 from the table and instantly shot HANDLER thrice.
HANDLER lied dead with OSPREY.

CAPTAIN was standing nearby his helicopter with a cigarette in his hand. He dialled HANDLER'S number. He went downstairs to the room and remained startled to see dead bodies of HANDLER and OSPREY. He looked out of the corridor that a maxi truck had left the building. The maxi truck was driven by BLACK HAWK and ARIANA was sitting besides him on the passenger seat.


ANUP woke up early at the morning. He turned off the alarm which displayed '6:30 AM'. He removed the blanket from him and stepped off the bed. He went for the bath, then wore a black trouser, a black T-shirt and a brown jacket. He took out his locker key from his cupboard. He walked out of the room and locked the door. He walked downstairs and greeted Mrs. Khanna who was watering the plants in her lawn.

Inside a private sector bank, Operations Manager Miss VANSHIKA TEJANI was involved in her paper work. VANSHIKA TEJANI was a mature woman who was in her mid forties and was a widow.

" Miss Vanshika. "

She turned her head up to see Anup in at the counter. The bank was not crowded with customers and there were three executive who were attending a meeting with the branch manager in his cabin.

She took him to the locker room with the bank locker key in her hand.

" The year is going to end and that's why our executives have to attend longer meetings to discuss about the sales targets. "

Miss Vanshika described it to Anup whom she had known since the day when she had hired him for investigating the reason behind the murder of her husband.

" How's your son? " Anup asked her.

" LAKSHYA! He is doing good. He is having his internship in an IT company. "

" Dreams, jobs, career that's all what early twenties is about. "

" You are right Mr. Dhawan but we as a parent also have to help them in understanding the real truth of life. "

" I don't understand Miss Vanshika. "

" Whatever happened with LAKSHYA's father was only because of his failed dream and his job stress. "

" I had told you earlier mam, please stop reminding yourself about him."

She took him to his locker numbered as '168'. She inserted the complimentary key in the slot and then Anup inserted his own key in the other slot. The locker box got opened.

" Thank you mam. "

Vanshika pulled out the complimentary key and left the room. Anup opened the locker and took out a mini cuboid box. He opened the box which had a faravahar ahura (an Iranian religious symbol) locket, an Iranian currency note, a small red diary, a photograph of
GOLESTAN PALACE and a wedding ring.

He picked up the locket and kept it looking for a while and then placed it back. He picked up the ring, kissed it and placed it back in the box. He put the box inside the locker and locked it inside.

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