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Anup walked out of the bank. SHREYA arrived to him in her grey hatchback. Anup entered the car and sat on the passenger seat besides her. She ignited the car and drove away.

" Do you think he would agree upon you? " SHREYA asked him.

" I don't know. I am just trying to create a win win situation. "

" He would be paid three lakhs he testifies in court against you. "

" By whom? "

" Mr. Rai's cousin. He is a US based industrialist. "

" I will handle that. "

" I had told you earlier to get a lawyer. "

They arrived near a six storeys apartment. SHREYA and Anup went upstairs inside the building

" What about those people who went disappeared from the forest? "

" We are still looking for them. It's been more than six days. "

They arrived at fourth floor to a flat number '241'. A number of people were gathered near VIDHAAN's flat
They slowly went inside and found VIDHAAN who was lying dead on his bed. There were three cops at the crime scene. They were startled to see the dead VIDHAAN. They walked out of the building.

" Where are you going now? " Anup asked her.

" Department. "

" I have to go the other way. I'll take a bus. "

Shreya left in her car. Anup boarded a bus at a bus stand and sat on a right window seat. Among the crowd, there was PRIYA who was seated on the second last seat on the left side. PRIYA stood up from her seat, walked ahead to Anup's seat and sat besides him. He turned to her.

" Hey, you here? Where is your car? "

She didn't answer him. A moment later he turned back to the window. Priya swiftly took out a knife out of her handbag. Anup held her hand. She looked at him who was looking right at her.

" No. You can't do so. "

She dropped her bag and took knife in the other hand and tried to attack him but he held her hand rammed the knife into the seat. She grabbed his face with her right hand. He locked her right hands and pushed her back. She fell on the aisle. The incident created a panic among the crowd.

A lady helped her to stand up.

She extirpate a seat handle and attacked him who kicked her to the opposite window but she grabbed the edge of a seat. A hand to combat ensued between the two that destroyed some windows, luggage, and seats. They began to fight at the bus door. She tried hard to push him off the door but he kicked on her leg and threw her outside.

She fell outside. She tried to stand up and walk ahead but got rammed by a car.

The bus arrived at a stop. An injured Anup walked out of bus and made his way to a clinic which was located a few distance away from the stop. The clinic was owned by Dr. Khanna, his landlord. He made him to lie on a chair and examined his waist, shoulder and the back where he was injured by Priya.

Dr. Khanna applied bandage on his waist.

" How did you get into the fight? " Dr. Khanna asked him.

" It was a local gang member who tried to snatch my wallet. "

" You always get yourself into trouble Mr. Dhawan. "

After the treatment, Anup washed his face in the washroom, get his shirt worn and his jacket. Before leaving the clinic he got his wallet out to pay Dr. Khanna upon which Dr. Khanna denied to accept the payment.

Inspector Shah walked inside the morgue. The diener took him to the morgue storage area and he pulled out two stretchers one by one which were placed next to each other. There were bodies of SARJAN SINGH and PRIYA inside.

" What Dr. NITIN is saying about them? "

" According to him, they had a similar functions which was going on inside their body. "

" Where I can meet him? "

" Upstairs. In the lab. "

Inspector Shah walked out of the morgue to the corridor and went upstairs. He met Dr. NITIN in the lab came to him with two files.

He explained, " Three days ago I had examined SARJAN's body in which I observed some constant changes in his blood as if he had drugged himself with an unique intake. I couldn't figure out what it was. But now when I examined PRIYA's body I observed the similar symptoms and found a strange intake in her body. "

" A drug that could control someone. "

" May be it could control a human brain. But it isn't possible to manufacture such kind of drug until it hasn't been in research for atleast five years. "

SONIA and MRS. AWASTHI had a conversation with a piano class receptionist at the reception.

The receptionist told them, " The class will go on for six months. "

Mrs. Neelam asked, " Six months would be so long I believe. "

" The contest is after eight months. She must gain that potential to stand out among the competitors. "

Sonia told her mother, " Six months would be good mummy. I have to win this contest. "

The receptionist smiled and handed over the brochure of the piano classes.

She said, " We've all kinds of shifts available. You can attend classes in morning, noon and evening too. "

Mrs. Neelam said, " I think we should talk upon the fees. "

" We accept payments in cash, cheque as well as on digital platforms. "

Sonia asked, " So when the classes are going to start? "

" You would be informed via SMS from our side. "

Mrs. Neelam smiled and thanked her.

Neelam and Sonia walked out of the piano class building.

Mrs. Neelam asked, " Do you really want to join the class immediately? "

" Dad once told me to pursue what I want. I was unable to learn piano due to my medical studies. "

Mrs. Neelam chuckled, " I believe you would be like him. He was too a good pianist. "

They arrived at her car.

" Shall I drive? " Sonia asked her.

" Really? "

Sonia smiled to her. Neelam handed over her the car keys.

A cab arrived at the international airport where NAIRA and VINEET walked out of the cab with a trolley bag and and a backpack. She paid him the fare from her phone.

They went inside the airport terminal where they went through a check in process. They went upstairs where they joined a queue to board the airplane.

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