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VIKRAM arrived near the garage with his pickup truck. He walked out and opened the tailgate of the truck. There were a number of boxes kept at the compartment full of auto parts. The bill counter man came to him.

" Would you please call the others? There are too many boxes here. " Vikram asked him.

" Did you get all the parts? "

" Except the air filter. They didn't had the stock. "

" Okay. Well, two guys have been waiting for you since the noon. "

" For me? "

" Yes. Looks like they are cops. "

VIKRAM entered the office which was a small room with two chairs kept by the table and one chair on the other side. They were sitting on the two chairs. They stood up.

" Yes? " Vikram asked them.

Anup asked him, " Mr. Vikram. We are looking for your brother. "

He remained quiet for a while.

Jatin told him, " We are talking about KARAM. "

VIKRAM got his eyes out of the window where he saw a black sedan which was on the other end of road. He walked towards the window with his panic eyes. He turned to them.

He stammered, " No.... I..... I.... don't know anything about him. "

" He is your brother. " Jatin said.

" He was. I had left him three years ago. He was imprisoned on the accusation of murdering a banker. I can't help you officer. I am sorry. "

They walked out of the workshop.

" It seemed he was threatened by someone. " Anup said.

" May be them. "

Jatin looked across the street and so Anup. The black sedan with carbon tinted windows which was parked across the street grew a suspicion to them. Anup recognised the car as he had seen it earlier.

Anup kept his eyes on the car. He spotted a bus which was about to depart from the other street. As the bus departed, the road got cleared, Anup began to run to catch the car. He crossed the street, jumped over the divider but the car got ignited by the driver and departed.

Jatin got inside his car and ignited. Anup continued to run behind the speedy car. A cab horned on him. Anup turned around, pulled out the driver and got his hand on the steering wheel and chased the black sedan.

The lane was crowded during the afternoon time. Anup tried to overtake him. They crossed a busy crossing at a high speed and then the sedan disappeared in the crowd. Anup continued to drive ahead and parked the cab near a World Trade Park (a shopping mall).

He stepped out and walked ahead parallel to the WTP. He spotted the sedan which was parked in the parking lot of the WTP. He went to the parking lot where a number of cars were parked. He tried to open the door but it was locked.

Inside the WTP, Anup looked around. A number of children were riding on a toy train at the ground floor and there was a huge crowd in the mall. He went upstairs but couldn't find anyone. He was about to go upstairs again but he got his eyes on the other end of the first floor. KARAM was standing on the other end and he was looking right at him.

Anup began to run at him but KARAM disappeared again in the crowd. Anup spotted him inside the elevator. He ran upstairs where there was a restaurant section.

Jatin who was driving his SUV received a call from Inspector Shah.

" Yes sir. "

" Jatin, listen to me carefully. Have you got him? "

" No. We but are about to. Anup has spotted him. They are in a shopping mall. "

" Listen, Jatin. The NIA has an intel that KARAM is going to make another explosion. "

" Its possibly the mall. "

" I am sending a team there. Keep me updated. "

Anup continued to walk among the crowd to find KARAM. He received a call from Jatin. He attended the call. Jatin told him about the intention of KARAM. He hung up the call and ran through the restaurant section to find him. At a corridor, he found a staff section room of which the door was slightly opened.

He slightly opened the door, entered the room and found a cupboard. He opened the cupboard and found a mall staff who was lying dead inside. The staff had a gunshot on the waist. He went to the other room and was attacked by KARAM by a knife on his right arm. Anup pushed him back, he picked up a towel from the stock bag. KARAM tried to attack him again but Anup held his hand with the towel.

KARAM attacked on his leg with his leg and again attempted to kill him with his knife on his chest but he held his hand and hurled him on a table. Anup pulled him up.

" Where is the bomb? "

KARAM chuckled, " Find it yourself. "

Anup felt something solid inside KARAM's jacket. He tore his jacket apart and found the bomb inside.

" Suicide bomber jacket! "

KARAM tried to attack him but Anup stabbed him with knife on his stomach. He pulled his jacket out. He moved out of the room to the corridor. He got a trolley with him and put the jacket inside it.

He looked at the countdown which was around fifteen seconds. He pushed the trolley to a construction area of the mall on the same floor. There was a wooden thin wooden ramp on the construction floor. He pushed the trolley away to the ramp. The trolley fall of the ramp and exploded a few feet away from the mall.

The crowd got panicked and looked at the explosion site. Anup who was standing near the ramp looked down where a number of cops had arrived in their SUVs near the building. Inspector Shah and Jatin arrived at the second floor and recovered dead bodies of the staff and KARAM.

Anup removed his clothes in the washroom and poured water from the washbasin on it to clean his arm injury. He walked out of the washroom shirtless and went turned to the left passage where he saw an inventory room. He went inside where there were a number of men's wear were stored in racks and cartons. A young female staff entered the room and got panicked to see him.

Anup got his hand on her mouth to keep her quiet.

" I just want some stuff from your inventory. " He told her.

He wore a black T shirt and looked himself in the mirror by the wall.

" Does it fit? " He asked her.

" Yes. "

He took out a brown leather jacket from a rack and wore it. He pulled out his wallet from his pocket and gave her some cash.

" Thanks. "

He left the room.

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