Chapter 1: The Loser

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The air around the boxing ring is so hyped up as the crowd busily screaming while watching the boxers in the boxing ring killing each other.

Underground boxing is an illegal activity and they're all busy betting on which boxer will win the fight,

Because that's how they make money.

Meanwhile, in the boxing ring, two boxers are struggling for their life,

A big man with a fair skin tone throws a strong punch right on his opponent's face making his opponent push back before falling down.

His opponent with the tanned skin tone but with greater body look has been beaten up pretty bad making the crowd get more hype up,

Betting on the other boxer to win.

"JK! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! GET UP!" The friend of the boxer called JK yelled from outside the ring,

They have a few seconds left and if Jk still doesn't get up, the win will automatically go to his opponent.


JK takes his time to pull himself together and finally get on his two feet back, making the crowd is cheering louder,

Jk clean the blood from his corner lips with his backhand while keeping his gaze on his opponent,

As his opponent is about to launch at him, the bell rang, telling them this round already ended and the boxers need to go back to their corner before continuing for the next round.

"Jk! Are you has gone nut?! Did you come here just to get beaten up?!" His friend, Jackson is frustratingly yelling at him while cleaning his blood all over his face.

"Nobody comes here to die and so do I," Jk says while panting, chugging down the water breathlessly,

"I came to make money and if getting beaten up is the way, I'll still do it,"

"No way! Don't tell me that you bet yourself to lose on purpose?!" Jackson exclaimed in shock,

"That's the only way I can come here every day," Jk says making Jackson and his other friend Mingyu sigh,

"Who paid you to lose?" Jackson asks.

Jk's head slowly turn to an expensive-looking man, wearing his blue suit despite their surrounding as he wrapped his arm around a hot chick while his other hand holding a cup of beer,

Their gazes met each other and that man just smirked at Jk while Jackson and Mingyu who are also looking at him just gasp.

"You really out of your mind, aren't you?! He's a dangerous man!"

"Why are you involving yourself with him?!"

"It's either to lose and gain money or die and get nothing," Jk says and gets up when the bell rang again, getting ready for the next round.

Jk never look away from his opponent despite getting beaten up to death,

"Just get down already! You get paid to lose, right!" His opponent groans when Jk is still standing firmly even after tons of rounds.

"Everyone is watching. Try harder," Jk says in a challenging tone making his opponent get worked up and immediately throw a punch.

Jk's head is forced to turn away because of the strong punch as blood spurts out from his mouth.

Without even waiting for Jk to look back, the annoyed  boxer launch a strong kick right on Jk's stomach making Jk double over,

He wasted no time and jump as high as he could and land his hard rock elbows on Jk's shoulder making Jk fall down countless times tonight.

Seeing the other boxer is about to win, the crowd is getting louder and more excited knowing they'll win a huge amount of money,

"Just because you get paid to lose, you wanted to get beaten up really well huh?"

"People will question it if I lose with just a few punches from you," Jk replies with a smirk when his opponent got riled up,

"Everyone here knows that your father is a thief! Wanna play honestly huh?"

Jk's body stiffened when his opponent mentioned his father. Jk's pupils are shaking, head turn dizzy as he looks around only to see a slightly blurry sight,

And sees everyone is screaming "thief" from on top of their lungs while pointing at Jk. Jk starts shaking as his gaze turned to a traumatized one,

"Father is a thief and here his loser son trying to be honest in a game," His opponent's challenging voice making Jk turn his head towards the smirking boxer,

"Awww, look who's about to cry," His opponent cooed in a sinister voice before bursting into a loud laugh. Jk closed his eyes shut, taking a deep breath as he clutches his fists tightly,

And open his eyes with his gaze changed from a traumatized one to a dark one before throwing a really strong punch right onto his opponent's face.

The unexpected punch makes his opponent fly in the air, spinning a few times before falling down with blood spurting out from his mouth.

"Jk! What are you doing?!!! You won't be able to come back here!" Jackson yells out of surprise while the man in the blue suit throws his glass angrily before walking away.

The crowd's cheer gets louder at the comeback from Jk while Jk's eyes burning with hatred and anger immediately goes to his opponent who is barely getting back on his two feet,

Jk punches his opponent's stomach that makes him double over and twirls around before landing his elbow on his opponent on another side of his face,

Bloodstains are all over the boxing ring that comes from his opponent.

Jk got his opponent all wobbly just by a few but strong attacks as he run and fly on the air before landing his elbows on his opponent's head,

Powerfully landed on his knee while his opponent fall down to the ground helplessly. Jk tched as he walks away to his corner, putting on his black zipper hoodie sweater,

"You won't be able to come here again if he didn't get up, Jk!"

"He won't wake up," Jk says with a little smile as he pats Jackson's shoulder before walking away while putting on his hood over his head.

Jk's POV

Name, Jk. Full name, Jeon Jungkook. The only son of Jeon Hyosin.

Black or white, foreigner or local, it doesn't matter in this cruel world where money owns the power in everything.

Actually, there are only two types of people in this world,

Winners and losers.

This is my story, a loser named Jeon Jungkook and his journey to change his fate because fate is like tall grass,

They can change their direction at any time.

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