Chapter 22: Performance

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A loud cheering can be heard from the crowd, waiting for that one group to come upon the stage and crush the stage with the amazing performance,

Being the last group to put on a performance, the crowd starts chanting for their name as their excitement gets higher and higher,






Meanwhile, backstage, the staff are going crazy looking for BTS that is nowhere to be found,

"BTS stole my diamonds! It's not my doing! BTS is missing and that's the proof that they stole my diamonds and run away!"

Just then, the dark stage turn dim, a silhouette can be seen on the stage, making everyone goes silent,

This light plays its role, and shower the light to the main character, revealing Jimin who dressed in white,

Surprising Seungcheol and everyone.

The song <I need u> starts playing and Jimin immediately take over the stage along with the crowd's heart,

With his graceful and delicate moves.

(A/n: Visual explanation/For reference)

Jimin's mesmerizing moves leaves everyone in awe, as the lights turn off again,

"That's only one boy! Where are the other six?!" Seungcheol fuming with anger seeing Jimin leaves the stage,

Jimin leaves the stage with teary eyes since he's alone, only with Taehyung cheering for him from behind the curtain,

"Jiminie you looked so cool!" Jimin smiles softly as he can hear Taehyung's voice calling for him,

Jimin's face turn confused when he finally saw Taehyung in a performance outfit,


"We don't have enough time, Chim. We needs to be on the stage now,"

Jimin's eyes bug out as he turns towards that voice, only to see Yoongi is busily helping Hobi fix his clothes,

And Jimin also sees the backup dancers rush towards the stage to prepare for the next performance,

"I don't dye my hair red for nothing, buddy," Taehyung pats Jimin's shoulder as he smiles softly,

"Chim, let's go! The stage needs you! Save your tears for later!" Yoongi says as he links his arm with Jimin,

"The show must go on," Hobi link his other arm as they go up the stage together,

Continue the performance together.

Soon, the preparation for the next stage is finished and the crowd can see the red-haired Taehyung on the screen.

Taehyung on the big screen stares at the camera for a few seconds before turning around, walking past a door,

As the crowd already screaming their lungs out at the sound of the song <Love Yourself> fill the stage,

Taehyung takes a few steps after he passed a door before cooly walk away from the camera and at the same time, the lights turn on,

Revealing Jimin sitting on a desk with one leg on the desk, while having a few backup dancers around him.

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