Chapter 19: Obsession

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Days after,

"Anyone wants to join me at the party tonight? In two hours," Namjoon asks, gaining their attention,

"What party?" Jimin is the first one to speak,

"The club, of course,"

"Count me in!"

"Hyung, no!

"Okay, Jimin one. Anyone else?"

"No, Namjoon. Jiminie hyung is not going anywhere,"

"Hobi two,"

"Jin three,"

"What the fuck! Don't ignore me like that! Jiminie hyung is not going to the club!"

"Yoongi four. Join us or just shut up, kid,"

"I don't care!" Jungkook huffs and takes Jimin's hand with him, leaving with Jimin being dragged by him,

"Jungkook is not as tough as Jimin, Yoongi. He's a brat that is emotionally fragile and also a little bit dumb," Namjoon says, earning an agreement nod from Jin and Hobi,

"I'm fine as long as he doesn't hurt Chim,"

"He could never," Jin says as they all know how much Jungkook love Jimin,

"So are we going tonight or not?" Taehyung, averting their attention towards him who has cold stares,

"Let's wait for Jimin and Jungkook to come back but if they didn't, only five of us will go tonight," Jin says as they nod in agreement,

Meanwhile, Jimin who's being dragged by Jungkook keep walking to Jungkook knows where,


"Jungkook stop!"

"Jungkookie please stop. You're hurting me!" Jimin says in a small voice making Jungkook abruptly stop as he looks at Jimin who's trying to free his wrist from Jungkook's strong grips,

"What is wrong with you..." Jimin says as he massaging his wrist when Jungkook let them go, looked so surprised as he's just realized what has happened,

"Hyung..." Jungkook says slowly as his hands find their way to Jimin's wrist, reaching out for Jimin's hand with his hands slightly trembling,

"Sorry..." Jungkook says with a little pout, head hung down low as he caresses Jimin's wrist softly,

"You're mad?" Jimin asks with a soft voice but Jungkook just shakes his head as a no,

"Then, are you jealous?"

"You don't want me to go to the club with the hyungs?" Jimin asks when Jungkook just keeps silent.

"Not the club...please," Jungkook plead in a small voice making Jimin smile softly as he holds Jungkook's chin softly to look at him as he says,

"But I was planning to go and hit the dance floor with you,"

"But still... That's a club. People will definitely keep starin- *sigh* I'm sorry," Jungkook drops his face onto Jimin's shoulder softly as his hands go up to Jimin's tops,

Clutching onto them tightly before circling his arms around Jimin's torso, hugging the smaller boy gently,

"We will join them tonight but can we go back to our room for now? I want to hold you,"

Jimin chuckles fondly at Jungkook's incoherent tone as he keeps snuggling his face onto Jimin's crook of the neck,

"Okay, let's go back to our room, you big baby," Jimin says making Jungkook pull away as he looks at Jimin with a small smile before intertwining their hands,

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