Chapter 20: Kiss

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"The color is quite dark," Jimin says as he's standing in front of the mirror, looking at the dark purple mark on his neck,

"He was uncontrollable... Sorry," Jungkook says while back hugging Jimin, resting his chin onto Jimin's shoulder,

"People said that the make up foundation can help to cover them up. I can help you,"

"Nah, no need. Let it be," Jimin says making Jungkook confused,

"That way people will know that I'm yours. Right?" Jimin says with a teasing smile making Jungkook's ears are burning up,

"You can't tease me with my words like that..."

"You're turning red, Jungkookie!" Jimin says as he chuckles making Jungkook hugs him tighter before hiding his face onto Jimin's crook of the neck,

"Precious," Jimin mumbles silently as he ruffles Jungkook's hair with so much affection,

"AAA hyung~ I've got my hair done~!"

"Aww Jungkookie I'm sorry," Jimin says fondly when Jungkook looks up with a pout,

"Let me fix- What are you doing, Jungkookie?"

Jimin asks as he chuckles while looking at the reflection in the mirror when Jungkook breaks the hug, closed his eyes shut, before taking a deep breath while pouting,

"Shh! I'm trying to be mad!"

"Be mad, Jungkook. Be mad. Be mad," Jimin turn around at Jungkook, chuckling at the adorable boy,

"I should be scared then," Jimin says making Jungkook open his eyes and look at Jimin,

"Oh, shut up. You're not helping," Jungkook says when Jimin starts acting like he's scared but Jungkook find him really cute,

His shiny doe eyes make Jungkook weak as he pulls Jimin into his arms again,

"Nevermind, I can't do it. Help me fix my hair back, hyung," Jungkook's silly smile gets Jimin giggling cutely,

Making Jungkook's nose scrunches appear, loving the sound that comes from Jimin,

"Done!" Jimin says cheerfully as Jungkook pout, asking for a peck whereas Jimin gladly gives one,

Tiptoeing just to peck Jungkook's lips making Jungkook chuckles as he says,


"Don't play with my height!"

"Don't point your finger at me!"

They both are scowling at each other before bursting into laughter, find themselves are so silly,

"When you meet the hyung later, apologies to them, okay?"

"But- okay fine I'll apologies," Jungkook says defeatedly when Jimin cutely scowls at him,

"No, my dear. I don't want you to apologize only because I told you to,"

"Then tell me why I should apologies when I do nothing wrong!" Jungkook complains in a pout making Jimin smile gently, knowing Jungkook faced his teenage life alone,

Having no one to look after him and tell him what's wrong and what's right. His puberty phase must be so hard,

Because he never apologizes and keeps feeding his ego.

"Ermmmmm... If you can figure it out and tell me why you should apologize, I'll give you kisses," Jimin smiles slyly making Jungkook squint his eyes at Jimin's silly offer,

"You know I can just pin you down and kiss you, right?"

"But using force like that is bad, my dear,"

"Oh, you right! That will be sexual harassment,"

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