Chapter 6: I like you too

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The sound of Dionysus is playing can be heard as soon as Jimin open the door of the practice room and was greeted by Jungkook who's passionately practicing,

"It should be a little faster," Jimin says making Jungkook quickly stop dancing and turn around,


"The moves you just did. It should be a little faster," Jimin says and shows Jungkook the part he needs to fix,

"Okay, I'll fix it,"

"Ermm... Jungkook-ssi," Jimin says slowly as he leans his back against the mirror, looking at Jungkook who currently looking at him,

"Why are you here, Jimin-ssi? Have you finished your lunch?"

"You are the one who doesn't touch your food at all, Jungkook-ssi," Jimin says as they stare at each other, remain silent for a few seconds,

"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I promise I won't make any noise while eating. But please go and eat. Jin hyung has cooked for all of us..."

"At least, eat a little bit as a sign that you're thankful for his efforts," Jimin says in a small voice as he has his fists clutched tightly, too nervous to look up at Jungkook.

"It shows that you guys have been eating together a lot. If you're not comfortable with me then just tell me. You don't have to leave the table just like that,"

"The hyungs were all surprised when you suddenly leave the table. Especially Jin hyung,"

"Do you know how long it took him to finish making the lunch?"

"Despite being tired after three hours practicing, he still did his best to feed all of us,"

"It'll be such a waste if you don't eat-,"

"Okayyyy I'll go and eat. Stop nagging will you?" Jungkook cuts Jimin off making Jimin look at Jungkook before smiling awkwardly when he sees Jungkook rolls his eyes back.

"You're too soft," Jungkook says while ruffling Jimin's hair before walking out the room with a small smile, leaving the frozen boy alone,

"Oh my god!" Jimin exclaims and cups his burning up cheeks and turn around facing the mirror to look at his face only to scream shyly,

"I'm so redddd~!"

"Can't deny that he's attractive even though he never pays attention to me," Jimin says slowly as he sighs before walkout from the practice room, heading towards the kitchen.



"Shh! Eat quietly, taetae!" Jimin whisper yell making Taehyung pout,

"But I-,"

"Eat first!" Jimin still whispers yelling as he put his index finger on his lips, not letting Taehyung talk making them confused with Jimin's weird action.

Jimin on the other hand warily stealing glances at Jungkook, afraid that Jungkook might leave the table again if he and Taehyung talked while eating,

"Jimin, what's wrong?"

"Huh? Ah, nothing, Jin hyung. Just continue eating," Jimin says as he smiles at Jin, quickly finishes his food.

"Thank you for the great meal!" Jimin says and gets up to do his dishes,

"Somehow it's suffocating," Jimin sighs while doing the dishes, unconsciously pouting,

"Anyway, I'm done!" Jimin exclaims and take off the gloves as he's done with the dishes and turn around just to gasp a little loud,

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