Chapter 7: Shower

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The new morning starts with the sun shining brightly as Jimin is walking around inside the building while smiling softly, looking around the place he has been staying for almost two months.

"It still feels like a dream to live somewhere that is full of people who care about you..."

"They all are so nice to me..." Jimin sighs as he sits on a bench near a garden, unknowingly arriving at a garden outside the building as he keeps walking aimlessly,

"The garden is so pretty~ I should tour this place more often," Jimin exclaims softly as he takes in the beautiful scenery while smiling fondly,

"Do you hate me that much?" Jimin's smile fades as his gaze accidentally lands on Jungkook who stands a bit far from him,

Glaring at him with his cold stares.

"How did you find this place?"

"I don't know. I just walking around with no aim and suddenly I'm here," Jimin answers casually despite Jungkook's gaze boring at him.

"Does the fact that I'm a pole dancer in a gay club disgust you so much? To the point that my presence annoys you in every possible way?"


"...Oh, then do you even realize that you asked this pole dancer to help you with the dance to join WDC?"

"Of course,"


"...Why do you even ask for my help if you feel disgusted in the first place?"

" is because I didn't know about it in the first place,"

"Don't play dumb! You came to the club without knowing that was a gay club?! That's straight-up nonsense!"

"Yoongi brought me there. I know nothing,"

"Why are you so mean? Do you ever think about people's feelings?" Jimin says frustratingly when Jungkook doesn't look guilty at all,

"My team needs you, that's all,"

Jungkook's words make Jimin's heart sink as he disappointedly scoffs, "My team huh?"


"I've been dying to do that in the first place-,"

"The garden. Stay away from my garden," Jungkook cuts Jimin off making Jimin clenches his jaw, feeling himself getting annoyed as hell.

"You have no right... to make me feel insulted like this... Not a single right!" Jimin says while gritting his teeth, slowly tearing up while staring at Jungkook angrily,

"Being a mean-spirited person doesn't make you any better than me who is a pole dance that you find really disgusting,"

"Despite being a pole dancer, I know my worth!" Jimin snaps before angrily walking away, wiping his angry tears aggressively.

"All he did was cry..." Jungkook mumbles to himself as he just looks at Jimin walking away with no emotions.



"It should be a bit faster! One more time!"

"No- *sigh* I'm sorry... Listen carefully, guys," Jimin says softly while massaging his forehead while the practice room literally filled with the negative vibe,

Just because of Jimin's scary aura as he is stricter this time and keeps scolding the members when they make mistakes.

"You actually have no right to talk to my team like that," Jungkook suddenly interrupt making Jimin immediately shoot his gaze towards him,

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