Chapter 8: Fight

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"Why are you two always stick together?" Jungkook's irritated voice beams through the practice room,

"And why is that bothering you?"

"It's an irks sight to see,"

"Do I look like I give an F about that?"

"Jiminie, just ignore him. Don't make things worsen," Taehyung says while stroking Jimin's back softly after Jimin sassed at Jungkook,

"It's not my fault! He's the one who started this," Jimin huffs as he side-eyes Jungkook who is glaring at him with his cold gaze,

"That's why I said, ignore him,"

"Why are you talking as if I am the one who started this?! Why don't you tell him to stop bothering instead of stopping me?! That's not fair!"

"Jiminie, no- Come back!" Taehyung calls a little loud when Jimin just stormed out of the room,

"Yah Jeon Jungkook! Where are you going?!" Taehyung says when Jungkook also walks out of the room.

Meanwhile, Jimin irritatedly heading towards his room, stomping his feet with his annoying pout,

"No one is on my side! Just because Jungkook is their leader, they say nothing!"

"Why am I the one who needs to shut my mouth up when he is the one who keeps getting on my nerves?!"

"Right is right, wrong is wrong... Nonsense! At the end of the day, no one speaks up against Jungkook!"

"Arghhhhhh!!!" Jimin screams on top of his lungs after he buried his face against the pillow making his screams muffled.

"I know they care about me but it annoys me when nobody ever speaks up against Jungkook..." Jimin sighed in annoyance as he lays on his back,

Trying to calm himself down as he takes a deep breath,

"I should go back there..." Jimin let out another heavy sigh as he gets off of the bed, heading towards the door with a tired face,

"What are you doing here?" Jimin asks in a monotone voice when he was greeted by Jungkook's cold gaze the moment he opens the door.

Jungkook says nothing and forces himself into Jimin's room before locking the door making Jimin forcefully steps back,

"What do you want? Still have a lot of shits to say?" Jimin says in annoyance as he bravely glares at Jungkook when Jungkook turn around,

"Why? I can't be here?" Jungkook's weird tone makes Jimin furrow his eyebrows, glaring at Jungkook in confusion as he unconsciously steps back near his bed,

"What is wrong with your tone?" Jimin asks because he couldn't pinpoint Jungkook's tone but he can feel that the tone is not giving him any good feeling,

"Why? You feel bothered by that?"

"You know what? I feel tired as fuck dealing with all your bullshits. I never say a thing to you but you never leave me the fuck alone!"

"Why don't you just tell me, what the freak do you want and let me live my life peacefully?"

Jimin says while gritting his teeth, bravely glaring at Jungkook as he had enough while Jungkook is getting angrier with Jimin's words,

"Don't you dare to cuss at me!" Jungkook growls as he wraps his hand around Jimin's neck, making Jimin choke at the strong grips,

"You have no right to disrespect me in any way possible!"

"Then what makes you think you have a right to insult me?" Jimin retort while frowning as he slowly feels hard to breathe,

"Shut the fuck up!" Jungkook tightens his hold around Jimin's neck, hating the way Jimin look so calm,

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