Chapter 15: Ass

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"Unexpected but cheers!"


"The plan will remain the same as the original. Nothing will change," Jungkook says after he chugs down the red wine,

Six of them are currently gathering at the pool near their resort to celebrate that they made it into the final round,

"But Jungkook-ah, don't you think we should tell Jimin about this?"

"No, Hobi. He doesn't have to know about this,"

"I also think that he deserves to know about this, Kook,"

"What do you expect, Namjoon? What are we going to tell him?" Jungkook says, sounding a little bit annoyed as they just sigh,

"Oh, Jimin-ssi we are actually don't even care about the championship because we're just a bunch of thieves who wanted to rob the diamonds so bad. Please forgive us Jimin-ssi for involving you in this shit and please don't take us to the police station,"

Jungkook says in an annoying tone, illustrating how they're expecting him to confess to Jimin about their mission,

"I don't really have anything to say, Jungkook. Just turn around," Yoongi says making Jungkook look so done,

"Why does he always behind me every time I talked shit?!" Jungkook mutters under his breath and turns around only to be greeted by Jimin standing behind him,

"And always, ALWAYS, that hurt, teary eyes! Damn it!" Jungkook's mind goes crazy, cussing for the bad timing,


With a heavy sigh, Jungkook starts telling Jimin everything about them. About the revenge plan, his dad, Jin, Namjoon, BantanBomb, diamonds, and even Seungcheol.

The truth got tears pooling in their eyes because no matter how many times they think about Jungkook's dad, it still hurts every time.

"Then when you meet your dad in jail and tell him everything about your great diamonds heist, what do you expect him to say? "Wah, my son, I'm so proud of you. You did a really good job in taking revenge" Like that?"

Jimin asks as he also has tears pooling in his eyes,

"Dad is not in jail..." Jungkook says with a weak voice making Namjoon and Jin stand up as they collectively go,


"If uncle Hyosin is not in jail, where's he?"

"Jungkook! Answer Namjoon's question! Where's uncle Hyosin?!"

That's when Jungkook starts tearing up again before he starts telling them,

"People said that humans can live for four days without food, four hours without water, and maybe, four minutes without oxygen..."

"But without hope... A person can't even live for four seconds..."

"Dad never gives up. He keeps trying to file in another pleading letter after one another. But everything was rejected. Seungcheol has bribed everyone, and by everyone, I mean no one is excluded,"

"The bribed jail warden who give dad a newspaper every morning told him that I'm dead. I was found dead in my dad's room after being overdosed,"

"And the same day he told dad about my death, the news on the newspaper says that everything that under dad's name are now Seungcheol's,"

"Dad's company, dad's project, dad's house, dad's everything!"

"The next morning, dad was found dead in his prison cell with his wrists slit and blood everywhere,"

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