Chapter 9: Insane

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It has been four months since they were practicing for the audition and they have been keeping up with the same routine every single day,

They took around two months to finally complete Dionysus perfectly and now they're getting used to dancing.

And Jungkook is no longer being rude towards Jimin anymore ever since a fight occurs that involved the whole team about two months ago.

"We still didn't come up with the group name," Jimin says as they just finished another practice session,

"You're right! I keep forgetting about it. We need to register our group name to be listed on the audition," Taehyung says as he shakes Jimin's hand.

"Anyone has any suggestions?" Jungkook asks making them look at each other,

"I have one," Jimin says, gaining their attention,

"BTS," Jimin says making them look confused with the name,

"What does BTS stands for?" Namjoon ask making everyone nod as they also have the same question,

"Bangtanseonyeondan and in English, it's mean Bulletproof Scout Boys,"

"Bangtan..." Jungkook mumbles to himself making them look at each other as they all thinking about the same thing right now,

The great BangtanBomb...

"I love that," Jin says making Jimin smile softly,

"I don't have any objection tho,"

"Me too!"

"The name sounds powerful too!"


"Cool. With that, we're now named BTS," Jungkook says making them cheer together,

"Niceee! Now I finally can register us for the competition!" Taehyung says as he dashes out from the room, going for his laptop downstairs,

"Yah! Wait for us!" Hobi says as they all get up and go after Taehyung except for Jimin who just lay down on his back, having no intention to follow them,

Jungkook was about to leave and saw Jimin lying flat on the floor, making him change his direction,

"Jimin-ssi, you're not going?" Jungkook asks making Jimin look up at Jungkook who currently sitting next to him,

"No, thanks," Jimin says lazily as he closed his eyes shut, breathing calmly,


"Hmm~ I don't feel like going," Jimin hums softly when he feels Jungkook's hand stroking his hair softly,

The past four months made Jimin already get used to Jungkook's random touches as he will just caress his back, his nape, stroke his hair, or even rub his stomach softly no matter where they are,

Jungkook will just keep caressing and stroking him everywhere possible.

When Jungkook first did that, it scares the shit outta Jimin as he even skipped practicing for three days with an excuse saying he has flu,

Sounds stupid but that's what he did. He locked himself in the room, not allowing a single soul to come into his room.

But after some time and Jungkook keeps doing that, Jimin slowly gets used to it and even feels comfortable with it.

"When will you sleep with me?"

"Eh???" Jimin immediately open his eyes and look at Jungkook with a surprised face,

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