chapter one

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It was the afternoon, and the sun was close to setting. I walked up a few stairs. My left cheek was covered in blood, but I wiped it with my shirt just in time. I unlocked the door before I could walk inside. I took a sharp, deep breath as I walked inside the house I call home. As soon as I walked in, I saw glass shards on the ground. I could hear yelling and screaming from my parents. I walked by the kitchen, went to my room, and closed my door. As I walked in, I sat on my bed, took off my shoes, threw it in the closed

y/n lay down on their bed. They looked at the time on their phone and covered her face with their arms. Then, they drifted off to sleep until y/n woke up from a loud knock "come in, the door is unlocked," y/n said as they slowly rubbed their eyes y/n. Mom walked inside the room and closed the door as she sat down on their bed "y/n me, and your father have decided that we going to get a divorce, but you have to choose who you want to stay it, either your father or me" y/n mother said as she grasps her hands y/n knew that her mom would get upset if I pick dad or it would be another way around but only to see my father about to cry.

"I don't know, mom, maybe I need a little more time to think" y/n mother nodded before leaving, and, closing the door after she left, y/n started to cry a bit. Why. Why me, why can't they be happy for one single moment? Why does this have to happen to me? Y/n thought to themself, crying theyself to sleep

the next day y/n woke up, the bright sun was shining brightly on y/n face. They got up and went downstairs "mom, dad," y/n called out as they went to the kitchen y/n was getting kind of worried until she saw a note on the counter y/n read the letter "good morning y/n, me and your father had to take another over the sea business trip, sorry we couldn't stay for long our boss just called so sudden I made some food it in the fridge if you're hungry don't forget to eat I know sometimes you skip on your meals."

After y/n was done reading the note, they were a bit confused because her mother and father never had an over sea business trip, or at least she thought they didn't. Y/n went back to their room and went to their bathroom. After they were done, they took a hot bath, y/n brushed their teeth, and put on their (f/c) school uniform. After they were done, they fixed their (h/l) (h/c) hair

y/n rush downstairs, grab their bag as y/n put on while putting on their shoe at the front door y/n left the house she slid down the railing of the stairs as she reaches the end of the bar y/n jumps off and rushes to the train station as y/n got on the train they took their seat y/n pulled out her phone to play some games on her phone until she heard a girl talk about her

"Hey, did you hear we're getting a new student in our class?"

"The school just started, and we already have a new student. Don't get me wrong, I love having to meet new people but"

"ah, you forgot our school is very popular."

"do you think the new student like rock n roll? If they do, I can't wait to show them our band."

"well, we have to find out when we get there."

I could see what they were talking about, but I just put on my headphones. When they changed the topic, three more students came on the train and went to the group. As the train stop, I looked up, and it was my stop to get off y/n got up and got off the train as well as the other students. I decided to go a little late

after taking a short little walk. Y/n looked on their phone and saw it was 8: 50 am y/n went up to the school and walked inside. They went to their locker and grabbed their book. After they did that, they sneaked inside the classroom until the teacher called out to them, "didn't think a new student would skip" the teacher said while the other students laughed, "come up here and introduce yourself," y/n high as they walked up in front of the class as I did I scan around the room. I noticed something I thought I was dreaming about as I brushed it off "hi, my name is y/n y/l, and I hope we become friends" y/n bowed a little and smiled while walking to their desk by the window 

heck, who am I kidding no one wants to be my friend eveyone is just going to bully me like my last school, but this gotta be a dream seeing them there no way in hell they would be here she thought to themself until the teacher walk up to their desk "dozing off in my class huh? since this is the first day of school I won't be so hard on you."

"right ms?"

"ms katheryne"

"right, I'm sorry for my rudeness, ms. katheryne" I said while smiling as the bell ran. Some students left the class as the teacher smiled at me and walked away.

The Only Wish I Had|Modern AU 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘟 𝘝𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪Where stories live. Discover now