chapter seven

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It was ten in the morning. I woke up in my house to the smell of pancakes. I went downstairs while rubbing my eyes. I saw Aether and Venti talking to each other I was surprised to see them cooking breakfast "good morning, you guys," I said while sitting at the table. Aether gave me a plate of pancakes.

"so y/n, what did you think of the party," Venti said with excitement in his eyes "it was fun. I didn't think yanfei could make a fun party like that," I said, laughing while eating my pancakes. You hear a car honk outside "oh, that's probably my mom bye, y/n and venti also, thank you for letting me spend the night here," Aether said, putting on his shoes "your welcome, oh! Thanks for the pancakes. Oh, wait, didn't you make some pancakes for yourself," I said "don't worry, I already ate. Anyways Bye, see you at school," Aether said while he waved goodbye and closed the front door.

After I was done eating, I put my plate in the sink. It was a bit quiet. I turned around and looked at venti "hey venti, about yesterday," he cut me off "eh, sorry, I didn't mean to," he said, putting a hand behind his neck. I was gonna said something until someone knocked on the door. I went over to the door and opened it. It was Klee and albedo

¨hello y/n, I know it's the last minute, but can you watch Klee, Alice had work today, and I have to work as well too," he said while Klee went up to venti "oh sure, I would love to watch Klee. I'm kind of excited" I smiled while he nodded. Klee goes up to Albedo and hugs him. "Klee, be good, okay?" he asks "okay, albedo, hehe," she says,

"And please, Don't blow up anything" I swing my head fast towards him. Albedo must be joking, right? I thought to myself, and they both waved goodbye. At the same time, I close the door "okay, what should we do, Klee," I ask, kneeling down to her height. Klee smiled at me and pointed at the door "let's go to Hunter's cafe, they. Fishman toast tastes so good," she said as she smiled "alright, after that, we can go to the pool."

"Bake cookies"

"Create a pillow fort that will be soo fun."

"Okay, you two, I think we should do things one at a time, Klee, just to make sure you have a bathing suit," I said while she nodded "okay, let's go to Hunter's cafe and then go to the pool."

"We can go to my house. The pool in the backyard is big, ehe."

"Okay, I'm going to let albedo know that we will be at your place," I said as Venti nodded "wait a minute" I looked at venti "you can drive," I said as he stuck out his tongue "eh what do you mean most of us can drive we just choose not to drive except for kaeya and childe."

After a while of Venti and me getting dressed, we went outside. As we stopped by the stairs, I sat on the railing and slid down like I always do. However, as I jumped down, I turned around and saw the two Klee wanted to do it again, so we did it several times before going inside the car.

Klee, Venti, and I ate Fishman toast at Hunter's cafe. Since I wasn't that hungry, I ordered a drink and a bit of snack to nom on. Klee was enjoying her Fishman toast "can I have peace, Klee" Venti asked, "venti if you really wanted the toast, you could have ordered it."

"Ehe, I would, but I left my wallet at home."

"Come on, Klee, I think it's best to leave venti here so he can wash dishes," y/n said sarcastically.

"Wait, don't leave me. I was only joking!" Venti said while fake crying

after Klee was done, she started to draw "what are you drawing, Klee?" I ask while drinking my tea. "I drawing you and venti," she said, smiling and giggling. "I'm drawing you and venti sitting in a tree," she said. At the same time, I choked on my tea while my face turned red "are you okay?" she said, getting a bit worried. "Klee, me and Venti are just friends," I said while coughing a bit

"how come venti kissed you," she said, tilting her head a bit "wait, how did you-" I got cut off by lumine hugging me "lumine?! When did you get here" I said "we came here to see why this place is genuinely famous," lumine said. At the same time, she sat down in between Klee and me "are you babysitting?" the short blond hair asked as I shook my head "yeah, albedo and Klee's mom were busy and had no one else to watch Klee, so they turn to me," I said smiling. "me too I'm just babysitting my cousin."

"where are they"

"they with aether, but they should be here any" before she could finally finish her sentence she saw aether and her little cousin walk inside "oh there they are that my cue to leave byee y/n" lumine said as she waved goodbye to us.

Later on,Venti drives us to his house. When we got inside, I helped Klee with her bathing suit. Then, Klee went downstairs where Venti was "where y/n."

"They changing their clothes," Klee said while running outside "wait, Klee, don't run," he said, chasing her.

I could help but laugh upstairs. I look around the house and found water balloons. I quickly went downstairs and filled them up as I went by the door. Luckily, they weren't facing toward the door. I giggled a bit as I threw one at Venti, making him fall into the pool. Again, I couldn't help but laugh really hard.

Later, Albedo came and picked her up, but she fell asleep, making Albedo pick her up and walk her to the car. After that, we said our goods Bye as I stayed the night with Venti.

The Only Wish I Had|Modern AU 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘟 𝘝𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪Where stories live. Discover now