chapter five

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Me and the others got out of the car when kaeya parked the vehicle "umm, what are we doing at the mall" I asked with a deadpan face. Lisa was gonna tell me until she got cut off by venti, "yanfei is hosting a big party this weekend, and it is like a masquerade ball party, but you don't have to wear a mask," venti said as we walked inside the mall "we the only one that doesn't have an elegant ball gown" Lisa said as turn to look at chongyun "um chongyun I thought you didn't like parties" I said with a puzzled face as he sighs "xingqiu forcing me to go I didn't want to go until kaeya and Lisa showed up to my house" he said

After a bit, me and the others walked around the mall. Lisa walked up to me while I looked in the window store, "y/n, we should go to this new clothing store that just opened up. You might like it," Lisa giggled. I was gonna say something until kaeya started to speak "don't worry about us, worry about yourself, y/n," he said as he walked off with venti and chongyun

Lisa and I walked inside the new clothing store selling all kinds of dresses. I looked around until Lisa walked up and told me she had found her dream dress. It was a dark purple with a rose on the shoulders and a waist-high slit. She pulled me into the dressing room as I waited outside for her. As she put on the dress, she came out of the dressing room "wow, Lisa is pretty on you," I said while smiling. "I'm thinking about buying it."

"you should, " I said as she nodded and went back inside the dressing room y/n looked around the store to find that perfect [outfit] until I bumped into someone "oh shoot, im so sorry," I said as the young girl was on the floor looking for her glasses I pick up her glasses and gave it to her "thank you anyways my name is lia if you need any help just come to me," she said as she smiled "really wow, I couldn't tell at all anyways im trying to find that perfect [outfit]" y/n said looking back at lisa while she pays for her dress "oh! that what everyone says but we do have this one [outfit] that you might love" lia walk to the back of the store as I followed her as lia stop y/n look up and saw an f/c fantasy [outfit] I went to the dressing room and put it on while lisa wait for me outside I came out if the dressing room "you look very pretty," lisa said as I smiled at her "thanks lisa."

After that, I paid for the [outfit]. As they left the store, Lisa and y/n went to an accessory shop. It sort of looked like the dress shop that we went to. I wasn't too fond of wearing any earrings or neckless, but hair clips were the one that fits me. I looked around the store and saw a shiny hair clip. It was a crystal hair on top of that. I paid for the clip and went where Lisa was to talk to her a bit.

Lisa bought a purple amethyst rose hair clip that goes well with her dress. She also bought something else but didn't show me. After that, we went to the food court that was in the mall and bought boba tea while we waited for the boys, "so y/n did you enjoy yourself" Lisa said with a smirk "not gonna lie, yeah, it was fun. I wouldn't mind shopping again with you and the others more" I giggled a bit while drinking [favorite boba tea]

The other walked up to us and sat at the Table, and Lisa was, "aww, why didn't you wait for us? I wanted boba tea too," venti said while having a sad look "well, next time, don't take long to get here" Lisa said while drinking her boba "y/n give me some of your boba tea" venti said looking at me "what!? No," I said, turning around a bit.

kaeya and chongyun walked up to us as chongyun gave venti boba tea. As they sat down, venti happily drank his tea "so did you two pick out your outfits" I nodded as I sneaked to take a picture of chongyun and venti "yes, we did, but y/n [outfit] looks so pretty," Lisa said while giggling "what no my [outfit] is just really simple Lisa your dress is pretty than mines [outfit]" I said while rubbing the back of my neck.

"both of your outfits look pretty even if you don't put them on," kaeya said. What he said caught me off guard, but I brushed it off. After the shopping was done, kaeya dropped me off. I grabbed my thing and said goodbye to everyone else. Then, I went upstairs, unlocked my front door, went inside, and put my things up in my room. After that, I ended up cleaning up the place. After I was done, I went to my room and slept.


In the morning, I got up and put on my school uniform. I ate some pancakes. After I was done eating, I brushed my teeth. After that, I grabbed my bag, put on my shoes, and walked out of the door. As y/n walked up the stairs, they slid down the railing of the stairs. As y/n reached the end of the bar, they jumped off and accidentally bumped into a familiar Shiba Inu "oh shoot, sorry I didn't see you, their gorou," y/n said while they smiled "good morning y/n, I see you in a good mood today."

"ha! good mood, yeah right, now top dog gorou, what are you here for," I said as he was taken aback by the nickname "huh? top dog gorou? where did you hear that," he asked as he sighed as I sick out my tongue at him "we should get going we might miss the train," he said as I nodded they rush to the train station as y/n and gorou got on the train, they took their seat inside the train y/n pulled out her phone to play some games with gorou.

It was eight o'clock, and we finally made it to homeroom look over to gorou, and his face was bright red I don't blame him. Hearing a bunch of girls calling him cute, I would be very embarrassed as we walked in. The two twins said, "y/n, we are so glad you made it to school did gorou force you out."

"What, no," gorou said while sitting down. I laughed a bit "y/n there so many things to tell you," aether said while there was excitement in his eyes as lumine rolled her eye and cut him off "he got to ask out to yanfei party this weekend," lumine said. "Lumine, I could have told her that myself," he said, crossing his arms "well, you were taken too long to say it," she said, getting a bit annoyed. Aether was gonna say something but was cut off.

"Okay, everyone, let's sit down today, ms. katheryne won't be here today. She has fallen ill anyways. My name is Mr diluc, and today we will be learning the past of teyvat," he said as he fixed his high ponytail.

"he's so hot," one of the students whispers back. "I know, right," one of the girls said as they both sighed, looking at the teacher a bit. I couldn't help but laugh a look over at aether and lumine "so this much be kaeya brother."

"do you think kaeya knows that he is here"

"prob-" before aether could finish, another teacher walked inside "sorry to bother you, Mr diluc, but this student is rather not on good terms with me right now. Would it be fine if I leave him here"

"Sure, I don't mind at all," he said. The dark blue hair male walked inside "is it just me, or did it get really cold in here," I said as I put on lumine jacket kaeya sat next to aether as they both shared a high five "right, what I was saying today will be learning the past of teyvat I'm going to pick one of you to answer this who knows what happened back before everything change."

"oh, that easy" I stand up "may I answer this, sir diluc," I ask as he nods "well, all I know is that people would have these things called visions and has god called archons, but since everything changed, we don't have it right now since all the archons had died all visions started to fade so did the monsters something must have happened right well my best guess is the thing called Celestia what if I told you Celestia happened to kill all monster and archons making the vision not work again so what did our ancestors do well they made the world into a better place something we won't rely heavily on power I know it shucks but hey we made it threw right."

I finished what I got to say and sat down. Everyone was surprised no one would have guessed that or known that "you're not wrong, but how did you know that though no one at your age would know this stuff" the teacher said while he looked like he was gonna laugh "well sir diluc I have a friend that read books, so I get all of this from him"

The bell rang as me and the others grabbed our stuff. We rush upstairs to the rooftop to Noelle and xiangling food. When we got there, we saw Zhongli and childe eating "you guys are like cockroaches," aether said while I tried not to laugh. The rest of the group finally came. We all sat down and talked while we ate.

It was after school I went downstairs to the old classroom when to the room venti was in I step inside he wasn't there, only sunlight that was brightly pointing at the harp sat down on the stool and started to play it "it been a while since I played this thing" as y/n played the harp they hummed a bit y/n stop playing as venti walk inside.

"you sound good."

"Thanks, my brother taught me how to play. How did you learn how to play."

"ehe it a little hobby of mine that I pick up anyways ready to go" as he said that, I nodded and grab my bag. 

The Only Wish I Had|Modern AU 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘟 𝘝𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪Where stories live. Discover now