chapter nine

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It was a Monday venti didn't come to school, so I was alone. It was after school. I was walking around the school hallways until I passed by the music room. It caught my attention, and there was a wooden guitar. I looked around to make sure no one was around. I walked inside, picked up the guitar, and started playing a song.

Kaeya was passing by tormenting diluc when they passed by the music room. They couldn't help but stop and listen to the song in the room. They both were surprised to hear the song once again. As they walked towards the door and slid it open, it was y/n playing the guitar. As y/n stop playing, they looked up and saw the two males "do you guys like the song? It's been a while since I last played it" they giggled a bit "where did you learn that song?"

"Oh, umm, I learned it from someone that holds dear to me, someone that I won't forget anyways, sorry, but I need to go byee kaeya and Mr. diluc," I said as I waved goodbye to them

After leaving school, I was in the city. I passed by a flower shop. I saw a bouquet of lilies and roses. I brought it and walked down the street with them. The sun was setting while I was walking in a graveyard. As I got in front of his grave, I put down the flower I had brought him. I read the gravestone as it says

In loving memory of

Itsuki y/l

a great brother and a great son

I wipe my face after eating onigiri and giving the rest to him. I pray to him. After I was done, I started to clean his grave to make it pretty. As I was done sat next to the gravestone and closed my eyes.


before Itsuki die

"Oh hey, I didn't know you could play the guitar. What song are you playing," I ask him as he stops playing while going inside his room.

"It is from my game called genshin impact, but I forgot what the song is called, but in the game, I stumbled upon the dawn winery and heard the song. I think it's called lone sojourner."

"It sounds sad."

"It kind of is y/n, oooh, you should try out the game. It is amusing, and you have your big bro to help you out" Itsuki smiled at them.

"Pfft, yea, okay."

After a month passed, the summer was coming to the end

"Are you really going back to college, Itsuki?"

"Yeah, but don't worry, y/n also, we can play with each other in the game, so think of me as if I'm still here because you will never be alone if I come back home but don't worry, I will come back home."

"You better or I beat you up," y/n said as they laughed. Their parents took a picture for memories after the meal. Itsuki said his final goodbye to them. "Itsuki! Don't forget about me," y/n said as they hugged him. "I won't, don't worry" he went inside his car and drove off. After a while, the sun was setting, and y/n was washing the dishes. The phone started to ring as y/n mom picked it up Y/n broke a glass as their hand bleeds their eyes lit up in fair as they heard the words y/n didn't want to believe it

they rush to the hospital and go inside "Doctor his my son going to be okay" she asked as the doctor shook his head no making her fall onto her knees she started breaking down crying as I covered my mouth as I was shocked to hear the news "whoever did this they going to pay!" Mom yelled as they cried for Itsuki. I didn't think this was real. I ran to the bathroom and began to cry. Hearing the news hurt me so much I screamed in pain as I cried for him, "this can't be real, please don't be real" y/n pinched themselves as hard as they could. Not only did they lose a best friend but a brother.

After the funeral, we were back at the house. The yelling, the content scream would happen every day, the abuse I would get from them. I didn't deserve it. Why did it have to be me? I wanted to run, run away somewhere far. I got bullied for it every day. I would come home bloodied while dad sat on the sofa drunk. I wanted to end it to see him again.



I woke up. I wiped my eyes as I said goodbye to Itsuki. Before I could leave it started to rain a lot as the little drops fell onto my face began to pore sometimes y/n like to think that their brother is crying out for them I left the graveyard and was greeted by venti he was surprised to see me I was too he came up to me and hand me an umbrella we walk under it as he gave me his jacket I couldn't help but feel love by what he did "thank you" I whisper as he nodded.

The Only Wish I Had|Modern AU 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘟 𝘝𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪Where stories live. Discover now