chapter two

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As the bell rang threw out the school telling us we had a 45-minute break before going to our next class, I couldn't help but look around the classroom to see all the students laughing and talking and joking around y/n took a deep breath and put their head down till someone knock on my desk as I opened my eyes as I was shocked to see them both blond hair one had short hair with a flower clip in it and the other one with a lovely long braid "hello I'm lumine and this is my twin brother aether" she said while smiling.

"oh! It's nice to meet you both. Sorry I didn't exect someone would come up to me" I laugh a bit as I rub the back of my head. Before lumine could say anything, some teenage girls bust into the classroom like it turned Christmas day, trying to wake up their mom and dad. The girl with a long brown pigtail hugged Lumine "hiya lumine, we've been looking all over the place for you. I know it's just a break, but we all are hungry, and Noelle made tasty treats for us. If we don't get there in time, who knows what will happen and remember last time xiao almost killed childe with a spork, so we don't want that happing again," she said as it made me laugh a bit.

A girl with a light purple walked inside the classroom with her arms crossed "come on, you guys, we don't want the same thing to repeat itself," she said while I giggled. Aether turned back to me as lumine ran up to keqing "y/n, you should come to join us. It will be fun," he said as the others nodded.

"Are you sure?" I said with a confused look.

"Don't worry, you will fit just right in," Lumine giggled while taking my hand and holding it I couldn't help but blush a bit as we walked. The brown pigtails girl walked beside me as she introduced herself and her friend," my name is hu tao, and this is keqing" she said while smiling excitedly "my name is y/n l/n nice to meet you both" I smiled back at them.

As we got up the stairs, there were two doors. As hu tao and lumine opened, we could already see some students holding back a male with dark blue with light blue mixed with it. He seemed to be holding a butter knife. "Okay, who gave him a butter knife," a male said with white and red at the ends.

"what the hell is going on" I hear as aether mumbled to himself

"I probably will beat you with this fork."

"Who the heck gave you a fork," a girl with pink hair said to the ginger kid.

As everyone tried to hold back xiao, they heard a yell from keqing. Everyone stopped as they looked at her. After that, it was quiet until I started laughing as everyone stared at me. "I'm sorry, I've never seen anyone act like this," I said, laughing a bit as I calmed down. I wipe my face as I look at everyone "my name is y/n y/l."

"please be nice to them. They are new to the school," aether said while grabbing the butter knife and the fork out from two males "now tell me who gave you two a fork and a knife," keqing said, putting her hand on her hips as both of them point to xiangling "that only because I brought mini cakes" xiangling said as she got a bit upset.

After school, I decided to join a club y/n looked over the list. There were a lot of clubs to join, but the one that caught y/n eye was called the bard club y/n couldn't help but see what the bard club was about. They went downstairs to the basement y/n heard that the downstairs basement was where the old classroom was, but since the school got rentate none seemed to be using it but it weird why would a club be downstairs where the old classroom is at

y/n was by the club room door. They were gonna open it until they heard singing and a harp playing in the background. The voice they heard was before. Still, the song sounds sad "you can come out now," the male said as he opened the door "ehe, welcome to the club," he said as he pulled me inside "is it just you in here" I said as I look around it was empty as the sun slip threw it was peaceful "yeah I tried to get more people, but they seem like they not interested to join" he said sitting by the harp "but it alright I like the peacefulness."

"it must get lonely in here."

"it does, but it is a way for me to escape."

"Escape? from what if you don't mind."

"my twin brother died a while ago before school started"

"oh, I'm sorry to hear that," I said as he stuck out his tongue "it's fine, that was a while ago. I'm all better now," he said. For some reason, I can relate to him. I had a brother before he died "oh! It getting late. I should go home," I said as I waved goodbye to him. As I was gonna leave, he ran up to me.

"venti, what the matter," y/n said, looking at his undone braids. "Eh, nothing is the matter. I just came to say that you're invited to come to the beach with me and the others," he said until this tall male picked him up by his back. "Zhongli!" He said while being worried, "leave this poor girl alone, venti," while walking away. This boy came up to me. He looked furious, but I didn't think anything of it "sorry about that," he said while walking away. I could hear hu tao laughing as she ran up to me "come on before we miss our train. As I turned around I could see the same students that were on the train. I was surprised to see Zhongli, venti, the two twins and xinyan "right let go home."

The Only Wish I Had|Modern AU 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘟 𝘝𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪Where stories live. Discover now