chapter three

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It was Saturday in the morning, almost about to be 12 o'clock. As y/n was still sleeping, they got a sound of buzzing y/n picked up their phone as they read their notifications.

Venti: 10 messages.

Lumine: 19 messages,10 miss called

aether: 18 messages, 11 miss called

I was a bit surprised because today was supposed to be Saturday. When you just sleep in, y/n called aether to see if everything was alright until y/n heard a knock at the front door. They got up from their bed and went downstairs to open the door.

"hey, y/n are you ready to go to the beach," venti said while giggling. I looked at him, confused, "wait for the beach?" I said as he nodded "but wait, I was never...oooh, okay, I remember now that slipped my mind," I said as venti walked inside. He took off his shoes "y/n, you're so forgetful."

"Haha, very funny," I rolled my eyes. "I didn't even pack my stuff for the beach," I said while my hand was on my head, looking down at the floor "don't worry, I will help you pack up for the beach."

"Thanks, I will go upstairs and change also. The bags are in the closets by the sofa," I said, running upstairs to my bedroom and putting on their bathing suits on y/n went to their closet and pulled out a short swimsuit cardigan. They put it on as they grab extra clothes. They go back downstairs and put the extra clothes in the back.

y/n went to the kitchen and saw venti looking in the cabinets for snacks. I tapped on his shoulder as he turned around to look at me. As he did that, I opened the pantry closet that was an organizer with snacks and other stuff. I went inside the closet, returned with the bags of chips, and gave them to him. As he giggled as he put some of the snacks in the bag, we packed "are you sure we need all this stuff like these game consoles" I said, looking threw the bag "yes, of course, we need all of this is a private beach party, and the best part is that we spending the night at the beach house" he said while getting excited "ningguang is sure is rich" I said while closing the bag.

"what else does she has a private pool."


"Don't answer that."

After a bit, me and venti went outside and saw a car waiting on us "oh right, I asked albedo to drive us to the beach" I nodded as we went down the stairs. As we went to the end of the steps, we went side the car as I saw a young little girl "sorry, Alice wanted me to bring Klee and the rest of her friends along, but I told ningguang that we won't stay for long" he said as venti sat in the front as I got in I wave at the young girl "it fine albedo I hope Klee enjoys herself at the beach" he said as he smiled I set next to Klee little games with her while albedo drives to Klee friends house.

After a bit of a drive, we finally made it to the private beach, but it was empty as albedo stepped out of the car. Klee couldn't wait for albedo, so she did it herself. As she got out of the vehicle, Klee started running while me and the others watched albedo runs after her "let go inside the beach house. I bed everyone is in there, getting ready," he said as we started walking to the house

as me and venti got upstairs, I knocked on the door till a young male that had light orange-brown hair and teal blue eyes with white highlights on the front of his hair, ears, and tail

"can i-"


he let us inside as he closed the door "where is everyone? It's kind of empty," I said, placing my bag down on the sofa "they are in their room changing or whatever they doing but don't worry, they will come out also. All the guys are outside in the pool area waiting on the girls" he said as he walks towards the glass door "ehe I will join the other y/n do you wanna come" venti as walking along with gorou "uh no I will be fine I will be in the living room waiting for the girls."

The Only Wish I Had|Modern AU 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘟 𝘝𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪Where stories live. Discover now