bonus chapter

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After getting discharged from the hospital, I moved in with hu tao since her parents didn't mind. After unpacking and getting my room set up, hu tao was out with xiangling, keqing, ganyu, and xinyan to celebrate valentine's day with them. I got a gift from them as well. It was lovely for them to give me a valentine's day gift, but I feel bad that I didn't go hang out with them.

I was reading a book that xingqiu let me borrow in the living room. It had been an hour since I read my book. I was gonna go upstairs until I heard the doorbell ring. I was confused until I realized that it was valentines day and I was supposed to have a date with Venti. Did I forget that I have a date with Venti? I'm not even dressed, y/n. Calm down, just pretend you just woke up, I thought.

I opened the door, and it was Venti. He had had something behind his back. I smiled and let him in. He walked backward inside while I chuckled a bit "sorry if I'm not dressed. I just woke up since I stayed up all night unpacking my things," I said, smiling at him "wait before you get dressed. I wanted to give you this," he said while smiling as he gave me a bouquet of [favorite/flower] and a box of chocolates I was amazed at the flower then the chocolates I was surprised that he remember what type of flowers I love

"aww, venti," I said while hugging him. I kissed him on the cheek. I saw a hue pink on his cheeks while I giggled a bit "now excused me I need to get dressed," I said while going upstairs. Venti put the flowers in a vase that hu tao had and put the box of chocolates in the freezer. I was in my room blushing and smiling while I locked the door and put on my (f/c) dress. Then, I brushed my (h/l) (h/c) hair. I was debating whether I should put on makeup or just look normal. I decided not to put on the makeup that Lisa had given me. Instead, I put on the hairpin I bought from the mall. After I was getting ready, I went downstairs.

Later on, we went to this new restaurant that had opened. We got a table of two. The waitress guided us to our table by the window. She gave us our menu and left me and Venti talking while looking at the menu while me and Venti talked about embarrassing things that happened to us.

 hu tao pov

Me and Lisa got a table of two. It was far from Venti and y/n table, but we could still see them "ooo, this restaurant is surely pretty," Lisa said while nodding "we need to put on a disguise so we can spy on them more," I said while giggling "luckily I came to prepare" we went to the bathroom and put on the waitress uniform we were all set.

Lisa went up to Venti and y/n "hello, may I get you anything to drink" Lisa said with a smile y/n looked at her while Venti ordered, "huh, you look like someone I know," y/n said while putting her hands on her cheeks. Lisa chucked. "I think you have the wrong person anyway. What would you like to drink" y/n nodded. "I will have dandelion lemonade," Venti said smiling "oh, umm, I will have the same thing," y/n said. Lisa was a bit confused because she wasn't a real waitress. Before she could say anything, hu tao bumped in "haha, I'm sorry, sir and ma'am, she been having some trouble uhh some stuff" hu tao looked at her. "Oh umm," Lisa fake fell on the ground "oh my, I see stars," Lisa said (y/n), and Venti was confused until they heard a security voice and another waitress "there they are that the ones that stole our uniform!" the waitress said

me and Lisa both look at each other "Lisa, run!" I said while she jumped out of the outdoor patio "hu tao, wait for me," Lisa said while following her

After they left, Venti looked at each other and started laughing after eating and paying the bill. We left the restaurant until me and Venti noticed it was raining outside Rain... If only it could cleanse the corrupt souls of this world, I thought to myself. Venti grabbed my wrist "venti, what are you doing?" I said, confused. He giggled and spun me around while being in the Rain we danced for an hour while laughing and smiling. Finally, Venti picked me up and spun me around while holding me.

I cupped his face and kissed him. "I love you," Venti whispered after a soft kiss followed immediately by a more passionate kiss. Later, we went to his house and ended up spending the night. I gave him small pecks on his lips before falling asleep. Venti smiled a bit "happy valentines day, y/n," he said while closing his eyes and falling asleep.

The Only Wish I Had|Modern AU 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘟 𝘝𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪Where stories live. Discover now