chapter six

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It was the weekend I couldn't help but wake up early. My shoulders lean against the window and hold my side cheek as the other hand has a dead vision. I look at the faded cryo vision as it lights up a bit, do To visions are not used, it turns back into a deactivated vision "if it were still alive, what would people do with these" I said, putting it back in the picture frame I couldn't help but feel bitter about how people would ditch their vision and put it in a museum.

I took a long hot bath. After I was done fixing up my (l/h) (l/c) hair and putting the hair clip inside my hair, I went inside my closet and put on my [outfit] that I got from the mall. I was done with everything. All I needed to do was to put on my shoe. Before I could do that, I heard and knock at my door. "I'm coming" I shouted and went downstairs

it was Lisa and ganyu "wow, you two, you look really pretty, and that dress looks good on you ganyu blue really fits you," I said while they walked inside "thank you," they both said as they while smiling "anyways what are you guys doing here."

"We came to pick you up. The others are waiting for you in the car. Don't tell me you were gonna take the train, y/n?"

"Ummm, kind of was," I chuckled a bit "oh before we go, y/n, this is for you. My mom paid for it. I hope you don't mind since it's spring festival today," ganyu handed me a box. I opened it and inside it was a long moon necklace. I took it out as ganyu went behind me and put it on "thank you," I said while smiling

we all went outside and went inside kaeya car chongyun helped me inside as I sat in the middle between hu tao and chongyun as we got to yenfai house it was full of people that we haven't even meet we all got out the car while kaeya parked.

I walked inside the house. It was beautiful. The fairy lights that were on the light and little lanterns that were around the room were pretty. I was walking around the room until I bumped into someone. As I turned around, I saw the light blue braid male "venti? you look nice today" I giggled a bit "eh you also look pretty too" we both laugh a bit and started talking i look around as i saw people getting ready to slow dance the guitar playing in the background sound lovely "hey y/n" he said as i look at him "would you want to dance with me,"

he asked while his face was a bit red it like he was burning up I nodded as i place my hand ontop of his hand as we made it to the dancefloor he put his hand around my waist and started to dance a bit while everyone watches us we laugh a bit while he spins me around and pulling me close to his chest I look the other way while my face turning red didn't realiese until this monuten i fallen in love with him spending time with him while watching him play the harp i think that when it happend didn't think it was ture

y/n closed their eyes and parted their lips softly while their heartbeat was punding a bit with anticipation that when he kissed her it felt like the whole world frozen in time as we kiss a bit longer

venti back away a bit while both of our faces were red we were still dancing till kaeya grab my hand and start to dance with me "well?" he said with a smirk "i don't even know what to say" before he could say anything lisa stole me "y/n don't pretent that we didn't see you and venti kiss now tell me how did you feel?" she giggled before i could say anything some guy spin me around and pulled me closer to him"no fair i should have won you but don't worry i can still get a chanin right" the male said he was so close to my face until there was a fan between us "sorry but i need to steal y/n for a moment" girl with pale white-blue hair tied in a high ponytail said while closing her fan she gave her fan this tall male that has blonde hair with green eyes and took my hand and start to dance with me "umm hi may i ask what your name" i ask the girl that i was dancing with "oh that right we never met my name is kamisato ayaka but you can call me ayaka you look kind of uncomfortable around that guy" she said "oh thank you" I said with a smiled she nodded

xiao lightly took my hand and start to dance with me i was a bit shock i was gonna say something but he shake his head and we dance for hours we stop dancing and got drinks "xiao what made you come to yanfei party" i said while drinking my soda "i didn't until venti force me to go" he said looking at the crowed of people is it just me or everyone is getting force to come to yanfei party i thought to myself

I looked around and saw yanfei talking to aether. I was confused because he was supposed to be with his date, so I walked up to them "hey, you guys," I said while waving at them "oh y/n, I'm so glad you made it you look beautiful" she said "thank you" I said while smiling "now excused me I think someone I'm going to check on the other" she said walking inside the "so aether what happen to your date if you don't mind me asking" I ask giving him a confused look

As we go outside no one but us it was a bit chilly outside today aether gave me his jacket and I put it on I sat down on the ground he did as well "your lucky y/n.." he said while looking at him I was a bit confused when he said that "why is that?" I said, looking at the star's that was shining brightly in the sky, "you have people like you. I thought this girl liked me because she asked me out, but she just used me. came up to me and told me that she had a boyfriend that her parents disliked and just asked me out so she could get closer to him. So she left me all alone, and that when you saw me and yanfei together because she saw what happened, she was trying to cheer me up, but it made it worst,"

he said, hugging his knees to his chest. I felt bad for aether what this girl did was mess up I look at aether and than at the sky "you know what will cheer you up" I said as he look at me confused "quesadillas. when im sad I eat [favorite food] sorta like a comfort food" I chuckled a bit while getting up dusting my self I held out a hand to him he put his hand on top of mines and nodded while I help him up we started walking on the side of the road

"Thanks y/n"

"No problem aether it what friends do right" I said as he nodded having a friend like this is nice if I ever wake up from this so called dream I wouldn't know what to do

The Only Wish I Had|Modern AU 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘟 𝘝𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪Where stories live. Discover now