bonus chapter two

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I went downstairs and saw hu tao, mona, and xiangling, watching the movie "you guys!" I said, jumping down the stairs and landing on the sofa "hiya y/n," hu tao waved at me while smiling. "I'm guessing you're here because someone's birthday coming up," mona said while putting her hands on her cheeks while smiling "oooo, if it is, can I make a spicy birthday cake!" xiangling said. "Xiang, I don't think our friends would eat a spicy cake, and did you forget chongyun hates spicy food," I said while chuckling a bit "oooh, right hehe, I totally forget," she said while the rest of us giggled a bit "anyways who birthday is it?" hu tao said while giving me a confused look I look at her and smiled "it Bennett birthday tomorrow," I said while getting excited.

"so I decided that all of us make him a surprise party while others distract him," I said getting a pen and paper "so we gonna make a list," mona said earning a nod from y/n I ask hu tao to call the others she nodded and went upstairs to grab her phone me mona and xiangling was at the dining room table we were looking at paper one side say decorate and the other side said hangout with benny it decorated with mona stars that drew it made the paper look really pretty I decide to put little ghost for hu tao while xiangling put little cooking stuff I started to draw Cecilia I look up and they were giggling I was confused until I realized what I drew I was gonna say something until we heard hu tao running down the stairs "guys," she said in a panic tone we all look at each other confused and look back at her "I was calling them and told them everything about Bennett birthday until they said they was gonna come over," she said

until we all realized that we were still in our PJs we all quickly ran upstairs to any room that was available after everyone was done getting dressed they go downstairs while I stay upstairs and put on my casual outfit I put on a white t-shirt with an (f/c) Plaid Dress Spaghetti Strap Short Overalls I heard the doorbell while I was fixing my (h/l) messy hair I was gonna go downstairs but suddenly I started to get butterflies in my stomach when I heard venti voice we had been dating for how long and I still get butterflies in my stomach I wanted to go run upstairs until I was

caught by xiao and yanfei "are you really trying to run away" xiao said crossing his arms "ooooo venti your girlfriend is here" yanfei said waving her hand while laughing I said "anyways we still missing some people, oh and I added more people to make this into a party and a birthday party" Xinyan said "oh no" chongyun said getting a bit nervous "how many people did you even invite" I ask getting a bit shock "well probably people that was at yanfei party and few of my friends" she said "so it wouldn't even a birthday just a party" keqing say I was in the kitchen getting everyone snacks and stuff until I feel a pair of hands around me I turn and saw venti while he places his chin on my shoulder "Venti why is your hand so wait a minute" I turn around "hey girlie did you really thought I was venti" he said with a smirk I ran to the kitchen "you guys there a child in the kitchen" I said "oh it probably my bank" zhongli said as I laugh

after a while of writing people's names down on the list I noticed that I was the only one that have to distract him " hey! why am I the only one on the distract benny side" I said. "Hiya y/n, you're really good at distracting people even when it comes to their favorite things," hu tao said, putting her hand on my cheeks "hu tao is right beside last time we tried to let you decorate a party. It was terrible," xiao said "hey! My decorating party is not that bad," I said in a huff "you're right, but we need you to distract Bennett," Eula said, crossing her arms "actually, let lumine and aether go with them. It wouldn't be fun without them, right" she said looking at me "oooo your right I'm going if they going" I said smiling at them.

"Alright, it settled then, xiangling Noelle, your gonna make a birthday cake and other stuff," Gorou said

"Alright," the two girls said together.

"Mr. albedo and I wanna help too," Klee said, getting excited

"hmm, oh, you can help me with picking stuff out," he said while Klee jumped up and down excitedly

"okay next hu tao, xiao, and mona will get wrapper paper for the gift. Everyone else knows what to do, right," Eula said while everyone shouted yes until they all looked at me. I was a bit confused

"don't mess this up, y/n," xiao said, putting his hands on my shoulders. I nodded while making a fist

The next day I was at the mall by the entrance. I was looking around while texting the others.


Okay, everyone, please don't forget to text me when you're ready


Right we won't forget, don't worry

hu tao

good luck y/n


don't forget about us


good luck to both of you guys


thanks, everyone

I laughed until lumine ran up to Me and hugged me so did aether and Bennett. I'm guessing they miss me so much "happy birthday Bennett!" I said, smiling at him "you remember my birthday?" he said, "of course, I remember everyone's birthday" I chuckled a bit "come on, you two, let go inside," lumine said, grabbing my hand and running inside while going inside I could hear aether signing. At the same time, Bennett laughs. We go to one of the stores full of anime stuff. Bennett had sparkles in his eyes "y/n! come look at this," he said. At the same time, I walked over to him. I gasped "is that [favorite anime characters]? How much does that cost? Wait, hold on, I didn't know you watch [favorite anime]," I said, smirking at him "well, ever since you invited me to your house to watch anime, you told me to watch [favorite anime], so I gave it a try, and it was pretty cool," he said "I know right it like so many things happened at once I couldn't wait for another season," I said putting my hand on my chest

lumine and aether look at the anime figures. They both look at each other and then look at the price tag. They sighed in relief because it wasn't that much money to buy it "okay, you two, let's go to the next store," lumine said. Aether nodded and turned back to us"oh wait, I need to use the bathroom. I will be right back," aether said, walking out of the store. After that, I went to many different stores. I ended up buying a birthday gift for Bennett that he always wanted. He was excited to the point that he couldn't contain himself from opening the box. I laugh. I got a call from ningguang to return to the house

after an hour. I gave aether my keys to open the door. Bennett walked inside until the lights turned on and confetti blasted at us "happy birthday Bennett!!!" everyone said lumine and aether walked inside as he stood by the table with a cake in front as we were done singing the birthday song "thank you all of you" Bennett said as he blows out our candle after that he open our gift from everyone else. Barbara pulled me to the side and gave me a mic "Barbara, I don't think I can sing," I said, "yes you can. I know you can," she said pulling me in fount of the tv "everyone gathers around me y/n and xinyan is gonna sing" everyone gathers around while we started singing [favorite song] everyone was also singing the music but not xiao I pulled xiao where we was and gave him a mic, and surprisingly he started singing while everyone else was recording and singing at the same time

after an hour we calmed down and ate Noelle and xiangling food and pastry we were sitting down watching a movie after time passed some people decided to go home while others spent the night there I went to my room and placed a group picture on my nightstand "good night I said taken off the light" I said to venti, lumine, aether, that was sleeping in my room they made a tent for us to sleep in it was comfy while mona, xiangling, Bennett and Lisa sleep in hu tao I'm guessing they sleeping in the living room or her room I cuddle up next to venti while closing my eyes and falling asleep

The Only Wish I Had|Modern AU 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘟 𝘝𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪Where stories live. Discover now