chapter eight

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It was finally Friday after school me, Amber, itto, hu tao,gorou, and Venti was at hu tao house. Everyone was amazed by the house looking like a mansion. When everyone got inside, they took off their shoes.

Hu tap realized she didn't have enough sleeping bags for everyone "oh shoot, look like I'm missing one more" everyone grabbed their sleeping bags, and there was one left until itto took it. I sighed a bit and went up to hu tao" looks like you will be sleeping with me on the sofa," she said, smiling at me until venti cut in "hu tao, you can take me my sleeping bag," he said I was taken aback from it. Still, I didn't mind, though. Hu tao nodded while smirking a bit. Everyone put on their sleep outfits upstairs in some of the bedrooms. After that, we started playing games and started to cook food. It was kinda chaos itto keep making a mess. Honestly, Venti couldn't stop dying laughing at what was going down hu tao. Amber kept trying to cook but got frustrated by itto making a mess. I could help but just watch them failing at cooking

it was midnight. After the whole cooking mess, we sat by the tv watching tv while eating

"I don't understand why would be a ghost in a toilet," Amber said with a puzzled face

"and why is he in a girl's bathroom," gorou asked while eating the popcorn

"itto moved. I can't see. Your big head is in the way."

"what? How am I gonna see the tv."

"It's a big tv now. Move," I said as he got up and sat next to gorou

everyone fell asleep while me and Venti stayed up and watched a movie together "hey, y/n, did you hear about childe friend," he said while eating popcorn "yeah, I just met her once by Occult Club," I said "the? the occult club? Why were you in there."

"uhh, Scaramouche, drag me to the club. All we did was just hang out."

When Y/n finished their sentences, they got hit by a pillow "you two should go to sleep already. It's bad enough that we have to wake up early in the morning and get dressed for the wind bloom festival," hu tao said while going back to sleep "alright alright" I said while laughing and getting up I put the bowl in the sink as I did that I took of the tv and laid down as for Venti he next to me my face was bright red

luckily he couldn't see it as we faced each other he whispered something in my ear as he pulled me closer to him. Our lips were touching each other my eyes lit up in surprise as Venti kissed them Y/n pushed back a bit, making them break the kiss "no, we shouldn't," y/n whispered, but when Venti kissed them again, they let out a little whine as they felt Venti kisses them.

In the morning, I woke up next to Venti, who was cuddling me. I would get up if I could, but I couldn't feel my legs. It felt like someone put a needle in them and numbed them.

"good morning y/n I hope you had a nice sleep with your boy- wait, I mean friend," hu tao said while giggling "and send," Amber said while my phone buzzed, "no, you didn't just send that to the group chat?!" I said Venti ended up waking up. He backed up a bit and got up. "I'm sorry," he said as he stuck out his tongue while rubbing the back of his neck hu tao amber ran upstairs. If I could, I would run after them.

"I blame you for not being able to get up," I said as he laughed a bit "let me help you up."


We finally made it to the festival. It was beautiful. It was filled with people, but everyone got lost or did their own thing. I have left with Venti yet again I didn't mind at all.

After playing the game, we heard fireworks would start soon. So we went on top of a hill with waterfalls around and fireflies glowing around us. As the fireworks began, Venti caught my attention "y/n?"

"Hm?" I looked at them as his face was covered in a pink hue

"Y/n I like you a lot at yanfei party I was going to tell you, but you ran off, and when Klee came over I kept on backing out all I'm trying to say y/n will you be mines" when Venti said that it made y/n had butterfly in their stomach making them blush even more

"Yes, venti, I will," they said as they moved forward together. Their lips touched underneath the moon. As they kissed, the fireworks began to start.

The Only Wish I Had|Modern AU 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘟 𝘝𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪Where stories live. Discover now