5. miss referee

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My alarms goes off and I almost shot up but forgot I had Micaiah sleeping on me. Turning my alarm off I place my hand in her hair and gently massage her scalp. I see her eyes flutter and she smiles at me.

"Good morning."

"Good morning...you have work today?"

"No you?"

"I'm off too."

She gets up and stretch her arms letting out a big yawn. During all of this I could tell growing up with brothers had an effect on her but it was kind of cute. I notice my mom texted me saying that her and my dad already left for work and that breakfast was downstairs in the oven for us.



"Can you bring another roll of toilet paper you don't have any in here!"

I go into the hallway and pull a few rolls from the closet we keep them in. I walk up to the bathroom door and stick my hand in and I could hear her kiss her teeth.

"What's wrong?"

"I can't reach it."

"Alright I'm coming in."

I step inside and hand her the roll and place the other rolls underneath my cabinet.

"Thank you."

"No problem I'll be downstairs waiting because my mom made us breakfast."

• • •

After thirty minutes she finally comes downstairs in one of my sweatshirts and smiles at me.

"What took you so long", I laugh.

"I had business to take care of."

I hand her napkin and a fork so we can go ahead and start eating.

"So what do you want to today?"

"I don't know I'm down for whatever you want to do."

"Well what do you do on your days off?"

"I just chill at the house honestly I'm a homebody."

"Me too."

It's crazy how me and her are kind of like the same person. In my opinion it's hard finding a girl who is genuine and has interest in the same things as you do.

"Wanna stay in a play board games since we didn't get to do that last night because someone fell asleep last night."

"Don't even do me like that but yeah I would love to play some board games."

• • •

"Can you hand me another car please."

"Mmmmm got all them damn kids and can't even transport them a shame."

We were currently playing the game of life and I may have landed on too many it's a boy/girl spaces.

"I want three kids...two boys and one girl."

I look up because her statement was kind of out of no where but I understand because of what we're playing.

"Really why two boys?"

"I can handle one mini version of me but two or three nah but if someone hurts my daughter her brothers will be there to beat their ass."

"Kind of like my sister's keeper type vibes?"


Her vibe is just amazing and I feel so comfortable whenever she's around. I didn't realize I was staring at her until she started waving her hand in my face.

"It's your turn I already went while you were staring at me...creep", she laughs.

"I can't help that you're beautiful."

The next day....

All I've been thinking about is Micaiah since she left yesterday. We had a really nice time and my parents could tell she brought more happiness in my life after spending one day together. I was bringing some of the equipment in the gym when I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Miss Micaiah I didn't know you were reffing the game."

"Yeah they asked me last minute and I took it I need the extra money", she smiles.

"You look cute in your little off brand footlocker shirt."

"Thanks old man."

"Stop it."

The other team shows up and I go over to the bench to help my dad get ready and tell the boys to warm up. Micaiah was stretching and doing a little jog as a warm up.

"Don't pull nothing out there!"

"Shut up!"

My dad was laughing at our interaction and was just staring at me.


"The both of y'all are blushing that's so cute."

• • •

After winning the game I was talking to Micaiah in the parking lot waiting for my dad.

I was leaning against my car as Jordan's hands rested on my waist. I still had my ref shirt on but changed into some sweatpants because the athletic slacks are uncomfortable.

"What are you doing afterwards?"

"Probably just going to chill at home you know I'm a homebody", I smile.

"You want some company?"

"Yeah did you drive here?"

"Nah I came here with my dad but I'll tell him he's cool with whatever when I'm with you he's knows I won't get in any trouble."

"Because I mean I care about you I wouldn't want you to get in any trouble."

"Awww I care about you too."

"Go tell your dad you're leaving so we can go."

• • •

Jordan and I walk through my front door laughing when all of a sudden we hear someone clearing their throat. Turning around my entire family is sitting in the living room watching tv. My brothers stare at Jordan and I can instantly feel his hand get sweaty.

"I didn't know friends held hands like that."

"Miles don't start...hey mom."

"Hey baby and hi Jordan."

"Hi Mrs. Lawson and everyone."

I sit my purse down on the mini table we had by the door and bring him into the kitchen.

"Relax you've been around my family before", I giggle.

"I know but they're just staring at me and your brothers looked like they wanted to kill me. I'm cool with them and they're my friends but I don't know if you know but they don't play about you."

"I know I know but we're going to take this upstairs and watch movies in my room."

"No y'all not", I hear Mason yell.

"I'm getting about tired of telling y'all to leave your sister alone Mickey Mouse it's ok."

I take Jordan's hand and we go upstairs to spend the rest of the day together.

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