18. preperation

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Jordan and I enter the house, since I still have my key. We hear laughter coming from the kitchen and that lifts my spirits up just a little bit. In all honesty I am shitting bricks right now because I know why my mom wants to talk to all of us. This is kind of like a preparation talk so we know what to expect when the time comes. Also the time she spent away from us, she was probably revising her will to try to make it as equal as possible between me and my brothers. I don't think I will be able to handle it when the time comes...I just want my mom to stay with me forever I don't want her leaving me.

My dad's eye connect with mine and he gives me a small smile. The feeling of my presence touched everyone because my mom turns around with a big smile of her face. She slowly gets up from her chair with the help of my dad and walks over to Jordan and I. Her hugs are always the best and out of no where I start tearing up because I'm not going to be able to hug her anymore. I need to pull myself to together. Her fingers reach up to wipe mine and Jordan's tears. Jordan...he has grown such a close connection to my mom in a short amount of time I just know he's hurting right now. I lead us to the dinner table and Jordan pulls my chair out and makes sure that I'm settled before pushing me in. Once he takes his seat all of our eyes are on mom waiting for her to speak.

"So I have decided to call you guys up here just to talk about what's to come the next few months. I hate to say this but mommy is not going to be here much longer and it was a very hard pill to swallow. That's why I needed time with your dad so I can prepare everything. For the next few months I want to spend as much time as possible with all of you and your significant others...if that means having y'all stay in y'all's old room I don't mind it", she smiles.

The last thing she said sounds like a pretty good idea. All of us can be here two to three weeks out of the month, but then I start thinking and that's going to be eight people in the house. The twins don't have anybody because they're whores, but they might bring a one night stand every once in a while. Or maybe when it come closer to time we can all temporarily move in to spend her last few days with her. We all nod our heads agreeing to the idea.

"I just love all of guys so much and so proud of what you have grown into. Jordan and Stephanie I want to thank you guys so much for giving my kids so much love and making them smile everyday. Especially Mickey over here whew before you came into her life she was like a stone wall. I just wanted her ray of sunshine to come back and you brought it out of her so I thank you for that", she cries.

Micah hands Jordan the box of tissues and he grabs a few wiping his face.

"I hate that I'm not going to be there to see you guys get married, your house warming parties, my grandkids being born, and so many other things."

My dad wraps his arms around her to calm her down.

"But you will be with us mom...in spirit", Miles smiles.

"You two need to promise me one thing. Quit the playboy act and marry a nice girl."

"We promise."

I lean my head into Jordan's shoulder for comfort. He wraps his arm around my waist and gives my forehead a kiss.

"No matter what happens I got you alright."


We interlock our pinkies and kiss our thumbs smiling at each other.

"Stop being all lovey dovey over here and come on before we start the movie!"

I roll my eyes because my brothers never let me catch a break.

words from micaiah🤎
I know the chapter is short but
things will get better I will
say tho is get the tissues prepared because it's going to be more sadness than happiness

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