I am uncomfortable.

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As soon as the assembly ended, we were all dismissed and Luca took the new students on a tour around the school. The rest of us had to go to our assigned classes for study hour.

Caspain and I sat at the back of the class, I had all my homework laid out in front of me, but the bloody bastard and already done his a while ago, so he was just scrolling through his phone. 

"You know," I began. "If all you're going to do is sit there like a numpty, you might as well help me." I shot him a dirty look. He looked away from his phone a second,  looked at my work then at me and then back at his phone.

"Numbers, one through four are wrong, mate." He said quietly.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes, turning my pencil and rubbing the answers. Caspain didn't see the need to 'feed me' the answers, when I could just do them myself-his words not mine, and I didn't see the point of having a friend who was not only in the grade above mine, but just so conveniently happened to be a genius, if he didn't want to help me. I did the problems again and turned my book to Caspain. "Better?" 

He looked at my book and squinted. "You keep forgetting carry the numbers to the other side of the equal sign." He said, then looked at me. "Your smarter than that, Rave." I grabbed my book.

"Jesus fucking Christ." I swore and snapped my book shut. "I give up." Caspain huffed. He put his phone down and took my book, then snatched the pencil from my fingers and rubbed everything I'd written and wrote down the correct answers. When he was finished he slid the book back to my side of table. I grinned. "I always knew you were good for something."

He rolled his eyes. "Lazy." he muttered and I waved him off. 

He was right, I was being lazy. I knew I could do the problems easily, well, not as easily as my genius friend, but just as well, but my mind was a bit preoccupied at the moment.

"Everyone's talking about who's going to be lucky enough to get to room with the new guys." Caspain said, typing something on his phone. I hummed noncommittally. "Very few people have rooms open." He stated.

I shrugged. "Couldn't be me." Caspain side eyed me. 

"It could be you." he said and I shrugged. It couldn't be me, it shouldn't. "You don't want it to be? It could easy for your investigation."

I snorted. "That's what were calling snooping now? okay." 

He scrunched his nose. "Does this mean you're not going to snoop, anymore?"

"Don't be ridiculous. Of course I'm going to snoop."  

"Then wouldn't rooming either one of them be an advantage?" Yes, it would actually, it would make getting close to them easier, but me rooming with someone wasn't something I was particularly happy about.

I nodded. "It would, but.."

"But...?" he pushed. I pressed my lips together and looked away. It took a while but then Caspain's face hardened and his eyes narrowed and I knew he knew what I wasn't going to say. "Why didn't you tell me?" I shrugged. I didn't plan on having this conversation so soon. "Raven." He warned and I sighed, I looked at him and looked away again. I didn't like the look on his face. "Were you planning on telling me, anytime soon?" Not if I could help it.

Eliora (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now