Ogre, demon, beast.

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It was 3 o'clock in the afternoon and my stomach clenched, making me realise I hadn't eaten anything at all today, I ignored the rumble in my gut and looked at the...siblings? Whatever. We were outside, standing by the car Ezequiel had drove here in. It was sleek, black and looked crazy expensive.

"Are we not getting in?" I asked, when no one made a move to go in.

Hanniel shook his head. "Driving will take too much time, we'll be too late."

"What does that mean?"

Ezequiel stomped towards me before Hanny could answer. He grabbed my arm. "You stay behind me at all times, stay clear of danger and if we by any chance lose the upper hand, you run. Understand?"

I tugged my hand.  "I'll stay out of your way as much as possible, I'm not that stupid." I grumbled and tugged again, but he wouldn't let go. He gave me this look that I was too hesitant to try and understand. Right now didn't feel quite the moment to start deciphering emotions. 

"Are you ready, Vanna?" He asked, tugging me closer to him and wrapped his arm around my waist. I squeaked, wriggling in his arms. "You need to stay still or this will hurt." He snapped.

"What-" Before I could even finish the word, they all crowded around me, forming a circle. Vanna's eyes stated to glow a light purple and then her voice changed as she chanted, hollow and melodic. I stopped struggling immediately, my mouth hung open as she continued to chant, and then the ground disappeared below us and we were free falling. I screamed, I was sure I did, but the sound didn't reach my ears. 

Everything was pitch black as we fell through the ground. All the air rushed out of my lungs and I couldn't breath, we were falling so fast I couldn't catch a breath.

It was only a split second, a blink of an eye, and then we landed on solid ground again, but it had felt like eternity, like we'd been freefalling from the moon to the earth. It was bright again and I was dizzy and disoriented. Bile had risen in my throat and it burned like acid, I bent over and vomited.

"What the fuck was that?" I gagged, holding my stomach.

"Geo leaping." Vanna said, patting my back. "It can be a bit disorienting at first, but I reckon you'll get used to it after the first few times." I groaned. They were going to be the death of me.

Ezequiel let me go and I stumbled, almost face planting into the ground. I gagged again. "Where are Kalypso and Lisreli?" He asked, voice hard and serious, nothing at all like the man who'd just been asking me to believe bloody magical creatures were real.

Hanniel was at my side helping me up. "In the clock tower." He rubbed my back and I refused to admit how helpful that was. "Are you alright?" He asked me, dropping his hand as I stood up straight. I nodded, confused. I looked around, we were at Kingston, in the south courtyard. It was empty of course, because the school was closed. 

I spluttered, running through the last few minutes in my mind. We were stood in my driveway, huddled in a circle, Vanna was chanting, the ground disappeared and it was dark and then we were at Kingston. Geo leaping, Vanna had called it. I never wanted to do that again.

Yes, maybe Ezequiel had been telling the truth. Maybe, or this was some sick twisted dream I was having. Maybe it wasn't Caspain but I, who was fucking comatose and this was just a crazy dream I was having as I slept soundly on the love seat in my uncles' living room.

I turned towards Ezequiel, wanting to ask what exactly we were doing here, and what the danger was, so far, everything look alright and not a thing looked out of place, but before I could even part my lips to begin asking the danger made itself very, very clear.

Eliora (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now