Mind bending and telepathy.

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"You're a fucking cheat." 

I rolled my eyes. "Cas, you suck." He scoffed, shoving a hand full of popcorn into his mouth, his controller flopping down on his lap as we waited for the game to load. "For someone so smart, you suck at eighty percent of activities normal people can do in their sleep."

He shrugged. "Mom said I was a special breed."

"A special breed of idiot."

"Let me win this time, yeah?" 

I gave him a look. "Cas, I played like shit the last two times and you still lost."  I reached over and grabbed the remote. "let's play something else." My best friend pouted, like an idiot. I rolled my eyes, changing the game.

He went quiet, his face watching the screen intently. It's never good when Caspain goes quiet. "D'you ever wonder if you could've been born different?:"

"Story of my fucking life, mate." I drawled. "Where's this coming from?"

He shrugged."I...just wondered what it would've been like to be born a rat maybe, or a cockroach-Do you think roaches are aware that nobody fucking likes them?" I paused, turning to look at him. 



"Shut up." 

"Okay." A beat of silence, then I sighed. 

"Of course they don't bloody know, otherwise the bastards wouldn't invade our houses." The dialogue started to play. 

"I think I'd like to be a dragon or something."

"Dragon's don't exist, cas." Said the angel. 

He sniffed. "That's the point of the game, Rave." He said, eating more popcorn. "You have a very limited imagination for a guy that literally sees ghosts." 

"Would you rather I was as delusional as you?"

"I'm delusional enough for the both of us." He said, then hissed as he got bit by the zombie. "Cover me?"

"What the fuck do you think I've been doing?" Shooting a zombie to his left. "Cas, watch your fucking surroundings."

"Video games make you feisty." 


"Alright, alright." We ran through some tunnels in the game, killing zombies that jumped out of corners and holes.  

We'd spent the past two days playing the same games over and over again, much to my uncle Luca's dismay. It'd been quiet with no word from the lot of angels. I'd had time to process, and I was ready for the next part. Not that I was particularly happy about it but...

I tried not to be too antsy about the lack of contact, it's not like they hadn't done this before, although, now I had knowledge that led me to believe that any lack of communication from them could mean trouble. I wasn't by any means worried that they couldn't handle themselves, they were probably more than capable. I just wanted to know the extent of the danger I was in. 

I had thought it through. I was ready to learn how to control my powers, if only to protect my family. If I was getting attacked in my fucking sleep, they were probably in as much trouble as I was, if not more cause they had no way of protecting themselves.

Caspain yelled when our game characters died just as there was a knock at the  door.  He looked at me,  his cheeks stuffed with crisps. "It's not my house." 

I sighed. "Fucking git." I stood and hurried to the door, my breath hitched when I opened it. Hanniel and Kalypso stood side by side looking like a pair of red haired twins as they grinned at me. I scoffed. "What is it now?"

Eliora (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now