Kissing possibility

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I gasped, the air around us thick as I struggled to get a decent breath of fresh air into my lungs. Everyone gaped at me, their eyes widened in shock and their hands hanging at their sides, all except Hanniel, he looked perplexed but not surprised, maybe a bit delighted.

"Wha-what was that?" I asked, my hands had fallen limp at my sides, I stared at the spot that demon had stood moments before, there was a splash of black ash, like a splat of paint, on the grass were it had disappeared. 

Hanniel took a step forward. "How's that possible?" He breathed. He let out a short laugh, he turned and looked at Ezequil. "See? see what I've been telling you all for some bloody time now?" He turns to me again. "He's ready, he's always been ready." 

Seonaid shared a look with her sister, Ezequiel was quiet as he looked at me. I huffed in annoyance. "Right. Someone start talking. Now." I was so sick of all this, of them talking in riddles, talking right over my head like I was too young to understand. I shifted on my feet, my knees felt like they would give out any minute, but I had the feeling that the reason they talked like this when I was right in front of them was because they felt I wasn't strong enough to handle it, I wouldn't want to give them another reason to believe that, falling flat on my arse wouldn't do well in my favour right about now.

Ezequiel sighed. He dropped his axe and before it could reach the ground, it disappeared, after coming face to face with a demon, the axe disappearing is barely enough to make me sneeze. "It was just a fluke, he barely knew it was happening."

Hanniel looked like he was about to argue, but Kalypso beat him to it, he snorted. "My, Ezequiel. He opens up a portal and that doesn't even make you flinch, what does he have to do to please you?"

"Nothing." He snaps, His gaze is ice, Kalypso rolls his eyes. "I'm just trying to keep him safe."

"Like that worked so well last time." 

At Kalypso's comment everyone froze, Hanniel sucked in a sharp breath. Ezequiel's gaze turned murderous. But of course, Kalypso hardly blinked, his face hardened as he  glared back at his far larger brother. For whatever reason, my right eye started to twitch.

Ezequiel broke the staring contest first. The muscles in his forearm flexing as he turned away from Kalypso. "Vanna, take Raven back home." His eyes flicked passed me as he turned. "I'll come and explain everything when were done here."

"I just-"

"No." He cut me off. "You will do as I say, if you want answers. Go, now." I snapped my mouth shut, my throat straining from the ball that lodged itself in it. He stalked off toward the astronomy tower, Seonaid and Lisreli followed. Kalypso marched off into the school, leaving me with Vanna and Hanniel.

I clared my throat, wipping my sweaty palms on my trousers. "Is he always suck a hard ass?" I asked jokingly. 

Hanniel's lips thinned and he shared a look with Vanna. They shrugged. "Not really but, it's been a bit tense lately..." Vanna gave him a hard look, Hanniel promptly ignored her and continued talking. "Kalypso and Ezequiel have always been equally matched. It was fine, I mean, it used to be fine, when Theo was around, he was able to keep everyone from killing each other and he knew how to divide his attention between everyone but...after he died, everyone has been a bit tense." He sighed, "especially, those two. They were never able to stand each other before, and being so close together, for as long as we formed this team...They're at their wits end."

I blinked and nodded, not knowing how to respond. Vanna made a noise. "The mouth on you." She muttered. "We were given stricked orders."

Hanniel once again ignored her, he smiled at me. "Right, I bet your tired. That was quite the move you pulled there." He laughed. "Everyone should be a bit more grateful if you ask me, you really save our behinds."

Eliora (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now