A cacophony of whistles.

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Ezequiel didn't look like he wanted to get up from his seat, so I didn't either, if only to provide a companion as he sorted through the thoughts in his head, so we sat together in silence until the sun started to set.

 We sat for long that my arse had started to form blisters, but I didn't say anything, refusing to break whatever sort of companionship that had formed between the two of us for that short afternoon. I fought the urge to scoff  out loud at myself, if only Cas could see how good I was being.

I was half dozed when he stood up. I jerked awake and squinted my eyes up at his towering frame. He looked down at me with his usual bored, neutral expression. We were back to being an  unemotional douche bag I see.

"You should head home, it's late." He grumbled and started off toward the house. I got up and chased after him. 

Their house was a sort of medieval mini mansion in the centre of a small wood. It was roughly thirty to forty minutes away from uncle Andrew and uncle Luca's house,  in a secluded little preserved forest. It was a bit ridiculous honestly, but I guessed being that old meant they had quite a bit of money to spend on ridiculous mansions.

The mansion still had it's original stone design in it, all they'd changed was probably the furniture and the plumbing, plus adding in the training yard. It was...charming I guess you could say but, it unnerved me a bit. I've never been a fan of old houses, too many visions and a large possibility of seeing a few spirits and ghosts. 

This house was thankfully empty of both, but I still felt a bit of uneasy,  slightly worried I'd have to fend off annoying ghosts.

We went in through the large doors that opened up to the courtyard and into the large kitchen. Lisreli was there, face buried in a cook book as a large pot sat on the burning gas stove. "What do you want for dinner?" He asked, not taking his eyes off the pages. "I'll make anything except a stew." 

"Whatever's alright." Ezequiel said and lead me out the kitchen into the long corridor before I could even wrap my head around Lisreli cooking.

We walked past three large doors along the corridor and stepped through the fourth door to our right, into a common room. Hanniel, Vanna and Seonaid were lounging on the plush looking sofas. Seonaid's head was buried in a heavy book and Vanna and Hanniel huddled over a board game. I looked around the room not seeing anyone else.

"Where's Kalypso?" I wondered out loud.  He hadn't been in the house earlier. 

Hanniel shrugged. "He's out." 


Seonaid hummed, turning a page in her book. "Kalypso is a wonderer, he doesn't do well with company."

"Our company especially." Hanniel remarked. Vanna snorted.

 Ezequiel went and sat on the love seat by the far window. "Take Raven home, Vanna." He said, tossing his head over the back of the chair. 

Vanna stood without question, tossing a sour look over at the tattooed man. "How about a please next time?" She grunted, Ezequiel ignored her, closing his eyes. I shifted my eyes, trying not to the let my gaze linger at the pale column of his neck, there was a tattoo that peeked out of his shirt, the head of what could've been a dragon visible. I cleared my throat looking at Hanniel.

"Can I talk to you a minute, Hanny?" I hadn't talked to him about Caspain yet and I didn't want to forget. It was unsettling, knowing that Cas had a big chunk of his memories missing. 

Hanniel nodded. "Of course, lets get you home first though. We'll talk there." He stood beside me, grabbing my arm, then grinned brightly at Vanna. "Vanna, if you would please." She rolled her eyes grumbling about her not being an ox as she grabbed onto my arm and leaped us onto my driveway. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11 ⏰

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