An enemy in ignorance.

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My hands shook as I held on to the chair in front of me and sat back down in my seat. I bowed my head like I was supposed to and closed my eyes shut, clenching them tight in hope that I'd be back in my dorm again.

I opened them. I was still there. The priest held the gold cup high and started his chant. "Through him, with him and in him. This is the blood of christ that was spilled for your sins. Do this in remembrance of me." The choir sang behind him as he tilted the goblet to his mouth.

I wrung my hands together, hoping the shaky feeling in my legs would go away. Caspain scoffed quietly beside me, shaking his head disgustedly as he watched  people walk to the front to receive the body of christ. Caspain didn't do that anymore, for obvious reasons and I--well I didn't even know what church I was belonged to. My family had never stepped foot into a church before.

My head buzzed as my fingers itched. The signs of me about to have a vision. Although, my eyes didn't blur out and the normal cloudy feeling that would appear at the back of my head wasn't there. Pain shot through my head and I gasped, taking hold of Caspain's arm.

Caspain's eyes snapped to me. "Are you okay?" He asked quietly. At least he had the decency to keep quiet while he was here. I shook my head, cringing as another blast of pain shot through my head, this one more painful than the last.

Caspain gripped my arm, he turned his head, looking down the hall. "Shit! The stupid prefect won't let us out." He spat. "Are you good to stand?" I shook my head. I didn't think I was good to even breath at the moment.

My spine tingled painfully and I had to fight the urge to jerk out of my seat in pain. The hymes all blurred together into horribly loud gibberish. It felt like a white hot spear was shoved through my ears. Tears blurred my eyes as I clenched in my seat. Tightening my lips to contain the scream that held my throat. My fingers twitched painfully as I scratched at my head. Caspian pulled my hands away. He said something, I couldn't hear it over the shouting in my ear.

The words of the song blended together rapidly, until all I could hear was white noise. I almost sighed in relief, but then a blast of screams and loud shouts burst into my ear, making me jerk and spasm in my seat.

Get out! Get out! Get out! The voices screamed in shakey, broken harmony. Like nails scraping a chalk board.

The voices all faded then, blending and blurring out until all I could hear  was the choir. The pain stopped and my eyes teared open. The priest had started another chant.

A hand tightened on my arm and I remembered Caspain. His brows were lowered to his forehead, worry painted thickly in his eyes. My arm was clutched tightly in his larger one. I offered him a small smile, but it came out cracked and painful.

"Are you okay, Raven?"

"I--I ... I think so. Maybe." I gulped. I didn't know. That had never happened before.  I didn't know wether to be worried or scared or terrified half to death.

I looked up, everyone was still seated in their seats, eyes facing the priest. Everything was normal. No one knew what had just happened to me.

"What did you see?" Caspain asked.

I shook my head. "I didn't see anything." I said softly, my voice wavered. I felt  like if I spoke any louder, my voice would come out as a shout.

Caspain's brows furrowed. "What?"

"I didn't see anything." I repeated. "But I heard ... " My voice faded.

The shouts. What had it meant? Where they meant for me? Was someone trying to tell me something or was it just a phantom scream from a past event? That sometimes happened.

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