Pain in truth

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Never in my life had I ever imagined that I would've been in the situation that I was in right at that moment, but there I was, running through the wood on my uncle's property, looking for a raven haired bloke who'd run out of my house in a panic.

I'd followed him. like an absolute wanker, I'd followed him. As soon as I'd heard the door snap shut, I'd broken into a sprint after him.

It had felt...weird, watching him go, listening to the door slam after him, I felt my heart drop and my head plunged into panic, because Ezequiel had gone, he'd run away and he'd left me. 

So I chased after him, but the stupid idiot was fast, and I didn't know where I was going, but I wanted to find him. The sun was just at its peak, casting beams of light through the gaps in the roof of trees. I wasn't wearing shoes and I'd stepped on a sharp stone and my feet still stung, but I had to find him. 

The air was crisp and fresh, but I felt like I couldn't breath, my lungs were on fire from all the running, but I couldn't stop. My head was dizzy and a voice whispered around me, a voice telling me I was stupid and that I should turn back. For once, it wasn't the voice of an apparition, but my own inner monologue telling what a fucking tosser I was. But I ignored it and pushed on, willing myself to go just a little further.

When I found him, he was by the lake, back facing me. His tall frame looked small as he hunched over, the muscles in his arms contracted as he balled his hands into fists. His loose pants blew in the direction of the wind and his hair was a mess, sticking up in all different directions.

I wheezed, and my feet went faster toward him and didn't stop until I hit his solid form. I was gasping for breath but I wrapped my arms around him as tightly as I could, burying my face in his back. He went frigid and then his hands held mine were they were wrapped around his stomach. "Raven." My face was wet and my nose was runny, and for the life of me, I couldn't get enough air into my lungs.

"You fucking bastard." I cursed, gasping. "Don't you ever run away from me like that again." I sobbed, twisting head to the side so I could breath. I felt pathetic and like shit and so confused about the way that I felt that it made me cry even more. My shoulders shook with the force of my sobs, my fingers grabbed a fist full of his shirt.

His large hands snaked their way across my arms, until his palms covered both of my clenched fists. He pried my fingers off his shirt, caging my shaking hands in his own, holding them away from his body, then turned to face me. 

His eyes were red, but he didn't look like he was crying. His face was twisted in an expression of pain, so much pain, pain I felt as soon as his eyes met mine. My heart clenched and I was sure all my blood would pour out of my eyes. I sobbed some more, my voice broken and rough.

He pulled me to him and I fell into his arms, my  face buried in his chest  and I sobbed and sobbed.

I felt stupid, pathetic, tired and sad,  but it was okay, because Ezequiel was with me, because I'd found him and he wasn't going to leave me again.


My nose was still stuffy as we sat on the grass minutes later. My hysteria had settled and I was left with a wave of embarrassment and absolute disgust in myself.

I'd gone mad, because a guy I barely knew had left my house. I'd run after him, bawling my eyes out and actually begged him not to leave me again. What the fucking hell was wrong with me?

"Are you alright-"

"Shut up, jut...shut up." There was more than two feet of space between us and the last thing I wanted right now after making an utter fool of myself was to hear him talk.

Eliora (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now