Blood ties.

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I liked Ez's hands. Large, veiny, with nimble fingers that wrapped perfectly around is sword. The pads of his fingertips turned a pretty pink after practice and there was always this flush that crawled up his arm to his elbow after a fight. Perfect hands that worked very hard and were very skilled.

Very, very skilled indeed, Ez's hands were. Right now, they were wrapped securely around me. One strong arm held my waist to the bed and the other was wrapped tightly around my shaft.

His face was an inch away from mine and I had been forbidden earlier from closing my eyes. So I lay there, as shocks of pleasure sparked around the tip of my cock, up the shaft and through my spine, trying with what very little sanity I had in me to keep my eyes open so as not to upset him more than I had already done before now.

He groaned, rubbing his own thick, wet shaft against my naked thigh. "This what you wanted, huh?" He moaned, his voice sending shivers down my spine, making a fat drop of pre-come leak from my slit. "You piss me off."

I managed what I hoped was a smug smile as I looked up into his eyes. "That makes two of us." My voice broke off as I let out an embarrassing squeal when he squeezed the tip of my cock. "Fuck."

He chuckled, grinding his hips a little faster. "Little Mr. perfect fucking cursed." He slowed down his stroking. "Didn't think I'd live to see the day."

My eyes fluttered as he twisted his hand around me, my hips bucking up into him. "Shut up." I groaned. He said nothing, his eyes growing darker, and then he was kissing me, his tongue deep into the tunnel of my mouth, licking, tasting and fucking his muscle against my own.

I groaned again, my eyes finally falling shut as another wave of pleasure licked through me, leaving this delicious tingle in my nipples.

Right then, I wished I could remember what in the world I had said to get us into that situation. I was just talking to him as usual, running through plans to strengthen our troops in the western boarders and then suddenly, I was being led roughly by the hand into the rooms of my top commander.

It was no secret that Ezequiel found me a bit annoying, or at least, it was no secret to me, but he still came along and fought on my side. He'd gone ahead and taken control of training our army. I will admit, I did poke quite a few jokes at his expense, but it was all in good fun and I'd never taken things too far.

I wonder how far I'd taken things for us to end up like this. Both of us in his chambers, naked and sweaty as we rubbed against each other in a race to the edge of teeth shattering pleasure. Panting into each other mouths, his tongue wet and wam as he worked it in and out of my mouth, in the rhythm that made my eyes roll back and my cock leak.

"Mmh." he hummed. His cock was leaking an obscene amount of fluid against my hip and I could feel the bed beneath me begin to dampen. "Who knew you'd look so pretty like this." He was teasing me. Usually, I hated his teasing, but as his breath hit the side of my face and the taste of him still in my mouth, it make my shaft jerk in his hold. He smirked, and I knew he felt that. "Poor hero, lets hurry up and make you cum hmm?" I nodded, arching my back as his hand sped up.

My mouth hung open, my hands clutching the sheets beneath me. It felt so freaking different when it wasn't your own hand. I didnt know wether I liked or hated it. "Ez..."

I was beginning to babble, tingles raced up and down my cock where he touched me, I couldn't keep in my moans. "Come on, cum for me, Theo." For some reason, I did just as he asked. I threw my head back against the pillows, my hips bucked wildly as he milked me. Jets of creamy white cum leaking from my cock and dirtying his hand.

When the white spots faded from my vision and the tingles subsided enough that I wasn't shaking with every breath, I looked up at Ezequiel. His hand was moving furiously over his flushed cock, using my cum as slick. His other hand was still clutched around me, his eyes focused on my face. I held my breath. He groaned.

Eliora (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now