Chapter 4 - The Press Is Nosy

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The speeder ride to Satine's apartment had been relatively quiet with Talin focusing all his attention on the notes Ana had given him, trying to avoid looking at Obi-wan at all costs. Ana knew it had to be weird for him, considering all the information he had just learned about the Master. Obi-wan however just seemed to be happy with the fact that he didn't have to keep any secrets anymore and acted completely normal, hoping it would help Talin.

When they arrived at Satine's apartment, Windu was about to Press the doorbell out of habit, when Obi-Wan stopped, only to put in the code or the door. For a second Windu seemed surprised but Obi-Wan just shrugged it off with a "I practically live here, remember".

As they stepped into the living room, Satine and Bo were already awaiting them. Obi-Wan shared a quick glance with Satine before his eyes met those of Bo. Talin and Windu stood by a little awkwardly as Bo eyed Obi-Wan with an unplaceable expression, making him freeze a little uncomfortably.

"Your kid is very cute" she finally stated, much to the relieve of Obi-Wan. Ana, Talin and Windu made themselves comfortable on the sofa as Obi-Wan put away his cloak. He was about to sit down with the rest when they heard Grace crying from the bedroom. "Go get her, she probably figured out you're home again" Satine said, Obi-Wan wordlessly making his way out of the room.

The crying stopped the second they heard the door to the bedroom open, Obi-Wan returning with Grace in his arms only seconds later. "Did she sense that you came?" Windu asked a bit suprised. "She always cries when I get home and she isn't in the room, so we asume that's what she's doing" Obi-Wan replied as he set Grace down in the crib they kept in the living room.

"She'll fall asleep in no time, so let's talk about what we call came here for in the first place" Obi-Wan explained as he sat down, looking at Bo, urging her to speak. "As you all know, Mandalore will be hosting the peacetalks and you as the Jedi will be supporting the neutral party of Mandalore. In order to ensure everything going smoothly, I'd like to go over everyone's tasks and rules beforehand.

As Mandalore's Senator, Satine will be leading the meetings between the two parties, so I'll let her explain everything further" Bo began. "First rule for the three of you, there will be no talking to either the Sepratist, nor the Republic party in private, unless it is necessary in terms of scurity. Secondly, you will not play an active part in the meetings, unless instructed otherwise.

And lastly, you three are, for lack of a better word, additional security. You'll be working together with the Mandalorian military and for the time of the conference, will have only the head of the palace guard standing above you in terms of rank. You will further be tasked with working together with both sides to make sure they keep within security regulations, and of course, keep the palace clear of threats" Satine explained.

"Sounds reasonable" Windu acknowledged "When can they meet your head of the guard to make plans". "On the flight in two days, they can begin making plans then, but I there is something else that I think we might want to talk about" Bo replied "As Satine's return to Mandalore and her gaining the rank of Senator is viewed as a big event among the populaion, my staff has been insisting we hold a parade.

This means, the people would be greeting us all the way from the landing bay up to the palace. Considering none of them know about Grace yet, this could pose a bit of a problem. I've tried to convince my staff to not hold a parade, but unless I tell them Satine will show up with a kid she had with a Jedi, they won't back down with their descision.

So we really only have three options here. Firstly, we could just surprise everyone with the child and just let them wonder, however, I'd rather not do that seen as it's a politcally risky move. Second option, we announce who Grace is but keep Obi-Wan out of it. Or the last option, I explain the whole situation to the staff to get the parade cancelled, however, details may leak that way".

"None of those sound particularly pleasing" Ana pointed out "You either don't tell them anything or only half the truth. It might work on other fields of politics, but not on family matters of a Senator. You either tell them the truth, or your political opposition will twist the facts to get Satine and maybe even out of the job. Plus, Mandalore really can't afford an unstable government at the moment".

"I'll have to agree with Ana" Windu spoke "It's very kind of you to try and help us keep everything quiet, but I can't have you sticking out your neck for us. Besides, the news is already all over the Temple, I wouldn't be surprised if the news somehow leaked to the holonet already".

"What do you propose we do?" Obi-Wan asked. "I might have an idea" Ana cut in "I know this is all a huge scandal back at the Temple, but it doesn't necessarily have to be with the public. We'll just make an official statement, that way we can control what the media puts out, instead of them coming up with conspiracy theories and weird anti-Jedi campaigns"

"And what excatly are we going to say to them?" Windu wondered. "Look at it this way: the general public knows very little about the Jedi and just believes that we are some emotionless super humans fighting for peace and justice in the galaxy. As stupid as it may sound but we have to show them that despite everything, we are as human as any of them and that technically a rule against children doesn't exist in the order.

It'll appeal to their compassion and keep them from criminalizing Anakin and Obi-Wan. Plus, it gives the impression that there isn't a conflict of interest among the Jedi and we are as united as can be over this. It looks good enough to fool the public, but is still vague enough in the eyes of the Jedi to justify it as a political move should the Council cause trouble over this".

"Sounds good enough for me. I think we should get back to the Temple so I can start working on that statement" Windu agreed, getting up from the sofa followed by Ana and Talin. "I'll go and call my staff back on Mandalore then and work on our official statement as well then" Bo followed. "Alright, we'll see you tomorrow then" Obi-Wan and Satine bid them goodbye.

Bo was already out of the door and Ana, Windu and Talin were about to follow suit when Ana's comlink began to beep. All eyes turned to her as she looked at the caller ID. "Organa, this can't be good" she informed them before picking up the call.

"Ana, what in the universe is going on?" Organ sounded quiet upset "I come out of a meeting, only to find the faces of two of my Generals plastered all over the holonet, together with two prominent Senators and the caption 'The Jedi exposed'. Explain, now". "It's a rather long story, but I have a feeling the holonet is getting it all wrong. Windu is working on damagecontrol by putting out a statement, and I can come over and explain in person if you'd like" Ana offered.

"Sure, come on over. Oh, and I hope you guys aren't only working on damage control, but also on a way to fix it". "One step at a time, but yes, we'll be fixing it next. I'm heading over to you, see you in a second" Ana assured him before turning off the link.

"Looks like I'll be heading to the Senate for now. Talin, could you do me a favour and prepare some files for preliminary planning for Mandalore tomorrow?". "Sure, I had the evening off anyway". "Thanks, you're a lifesaver. I'll see all of you tomorrow" Ana thanked him before rushing through the door and towards the Senate.

They say better late than never, so merry christmas everyone! Seen as I'll be on christmas break now, I'll try updating this book twice a week for a while as my christmas present to you guys, so enjoy!

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