A/n: Follow up to my last author's note

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So, it's been two weeks at this point, so it's time I finally follow up on my last author's note. Let's start off with the quickest one, and that is what I will be doing when I finish this book.
Without any opposition, you voted for me to write an Anabeth AU where she couldn't stop Sidious at the end of book two.
I was kind of hoping for this result to be honest, because I have so many good ideas for this already :)

As for getting you guys involved in the writing process, you chose the option where I give you ideas and you vote on them in the comments, so here we go:

1.Should Ana get a boyfriend? more specifically, this would be Daruss. I originally wasn't planning for this, but my sister pointed out it could be a good fit, so I'm not opposed if you guys like it.

2.Should I give Satine her position as Duchess back? I have a way this could be done, just tell me whether you'd like her to resume that position, or if you think Senator fits her better.

3.Should I have some more internal Jedi drama? The scandal with Obi-Wan and Anakin kind of kickstarted some conflict in the order, and I can either have that settle down, or pick up on it to have some real drama. It's up to you...

4.Should Ana go back to teaching? If you remember, she used to briefly have a class in the second book, and she wasn't only good at it, but also enjoyed it. I feel like she is kind of at this point where she will either try it out again, or will drop it until she is a lot older. What should she do?

Now for the special chapter at the end of the book, you guys voted for both the interview with the characters and the interview with me, so I thought I'd be generous and combine the two. Just post whatever questions you have in the comments and state whom it is for (me or a specific characters. Can be a group of characters as well if you'd like, as long as you state their names). Comment as many questions as you'd like, so I'll have enough to make it exciting. I'd say there are no questions off limit for now, but I'll leave myself the option of not answering some if I find them inappropriate in some way. So don't be shy and ask away.

Have fun :)

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