Chapter 9 - The Investigation Begins

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"The intruder escaped. Give the all clear to the guards to go off lockdown and start working on getting the power back" Ana spoke into her comm as she began to walk back towards the window. "On it. Any injuries over with you?" Ursa asked.

"The Senators are fine, he wasn't after them, even seemed startled to find them in the room. I'm pretty sure I'll need some patching up later though" Ana replied. "That's a relief. I'll start working on getting the power back, you take care of the Senators. I think Bo is on her way as well".

As Ana jumped back into the room through the window the others were already waiting for her. Some of the Senators had made themselves comfortable at the table again, while others were pacing around and talking to the Jedi, Antiles and Daruss.

"Ana!" Satine exclaimed as she spotted her walking towards them. "Are you okay, you look like you've been through hell" Organa asked. It was true, she looked like a mess. Her hair was all over the place, her robes were torn or burnt at places and most notably, she was sporting multiple bloody cuts all over her hands and face from the debris and a deep one on her lip from where the man had hit her in the face.

The blood from it was slowly running down her chin as Ana pressed the tissue that was offered to her by one of the Senators to it to stop the bleeding. "I've had worse" she assured them as she looked around. "Everyone okay here?". "No one was hurt" Obi-Wan assured her. "That's good news. For a bit I thought he was going to go for the Senators as well".

"What do you mean as well? Did he go for someone else before coming here?" Aayla asked. "Not someone, something. He was stealing some old artefact, however, I'm not sure if he got it or not" Ana replied. "The important thing is that the main threat is over for now. Is Ursa working on getting the power back on?" Obi-Wan assured her.

"Yeah, the reactors weren't hit, so it will only be a matter of bypassing some relays. Power should be back in a few minutes. And Bo is on her way here, so she should be here soon" Ana explained. "Good, now until..." Satine was interrupted by the lights turning back on. "Nevermind, that was fast. Why don't we call it a day for now and head to bed, we'll pick up where we left off tomorrow. If you need anything, I'm sure our Jedi friends here are going to be staying up late today" Satine announced as the room slowly started clearing out.

"I'll go ahead and check on Gracie. Don't overdo it" Satine told Obi-Wan as she too went to leave the room. A few of the Senators stopped to ask if Ana was alright as they made their way to the door, Ana assuring them that she'd be fine each time. As the Senators were finally out of the door, Ana spotted Daruss and Antiles also sending their men off to bed before approaching the group of Jedi.

"You alright Ana?" was the first thing Bo asked when she arrived as well. "Yep, nothing serious here" she assured her. "Great, in that case you can come with me and see if your friend took anything from the vault. The rest of you is free to head to bed, but if you'd like to help, we kind of have a half blown up corridor right here that needs cleaning up" Bo explained.

"What about the power outages?" Ana asked. "He only cut some cables that were easy enough to bypass. They are getting replaced as we speak and should be back to normal in no more than an hour" Bo informed her. "Alright, let's get going then".

By the time Bo and Ana reached the vault there were now guards posted in front of the door, seen as the locking mechanism was still being fixed by the technicians. They entered the vault yet again, the fixed light now revealing the slight mess Ana and the intruder had made.

Ana quickly used the force to pick up the scattered items again and carefully place them next to the two crates which the intruder had opened. "I have a list of all items that should be in here. Let's sort the items into the right crate and see what turns out missing" Bo said, sitting down next to the items. Ana quickly joined as they carefully went through the items one by one.

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