Chapter 21 - Time skip 3

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Indeed, Mundi never showed up to a council meeting again, and he and his splinter group faded into the background. Windu had tried multiple times to get him back on the council, but he refused, saying he did not belong in the council chambers anymore.

In general, the entire Order settled into their new routines more and more and life became less stressful for everyone over the weeks. It had been a little over six months since everything with Palpatine happened, and it finally seemed like everyone had come back from it stronger than before. Construction for the embassies on Raxus and Mandalore was underway, and they had already begun discussing who would be in charge of them.

Obi-Wan had volunteered for Mandalore. Satine and Bo had been discussing Satine's extended return to the planet now that the war was over, and Obi-Wan transferring to the embassy would enable them to move there permanently. Ana would be greatly missing the dinners at their place, but they had promised to visit frequently and invited her to visit whenever she wanted to.

For Raxus, they had not settled on someone yet. Kit and Aayla were the only two from the Council actually able to transfer to the planet permanently, as everyone else's roles in the Order required them to stay on Coruscant.

However, despite the new slower pace of the Order, life was still full of surprises. A little over a month ago, Ahsoka had surprised them when she had taken on Katooni as her Padawan. Ana had been in the room when Ahsoka had come to Windu to request that her hours teaching Youngling classes be reduced so that she could train Katooni. She had internally screamed out of joy.

Ever since the trip to Illum, Ana had hoped that Ahsoka would one day be the one taking Katooni under her wing. The two of them seemed to fit very well together in terms of skill and she had feeling that Ahsoka would be just the right person to build up the young girl's confidence.

When Windu approved, Ana had helped her surprise Anakin with the good news. They had brought Katooni to their dinner at Padmè's that night, and Anakin had been beyond excited once the initial shock had worn off. Her friends were very welcoming towards Katooni, and even Grace and the twins seemed to adore her.

"I think we got ourselves a new candidate for babysitting" Anakin had commented as Katooni was playing with the kids, making their toys float. The three children cheered as they tried to snatch them out of the air whenever they floated by them.

Ever since then, Ahsoka had been busy training with Katooni. Sometimes, Ana would join them, helping out when Ahsoka asked her to. Apart from that, most of her other friends were caught up in schedules as well. Obi-Wan and Satine had been at work, planning their move to Mandalore, and Anakin had been spending a lot of time with the twins, taking care of them while Padmè was in Senate meetings.

Depa was often training with Caleb as well, and Windu was doing all sorts of tasks that came with being Master of the Order. Sometimes, Ana would help out if she could and everyone would get together in the evenings. But overall, her friends' lack of time and her gain of it, lead to her spending more and more time with Talin.

They did lightsaber practice together, shared stories from previous missions they went on and talked about a diverse amount of other topics that were of interest to them. It almost felt like they had travelled back in time by two years to when Ana was stuck at the Temple after saving Satine's life and they were spending almost every second of their days together.

It was about to be another usual day for Ana, as she started her day having breakfast in the mess hall with Talin. She was sleepily scrolling through her padd, going over her list of tasks for the rest of the week when her commlink alerted her to an incoming call from Windu.

"Ana, can you come and meet me in landing bay three?" he asked, his voice a little too calm for this to be routine call. "Sure, what's going on?" Ana asked, already closing the file on her padd. "Yoda is landing". "On my way" Ana replied, ending the call and jumping up from the table so quickly that she startled those sitting around her. "Sorry, I've got to run. I'll call you later" she briefly apologized to Talin before heading for the landig bay with considerable speed.

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