Last Author's Note

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Hey everyone. So, book three is done and thereby concludes my Anabeth trilogy. And as is customary with such a milestone, I have a few things I would like to say to all of you.

First of all, I would like to thank you for reading and supporting this book series. Thank you for being patient with me and showing interest in my work. To know that there are people who enjoy the stories I write means a lot to me, so take this opportunity to give yourself a pat on the back and acknowledge that I was not the only person putting time and effort into this.
I hope that in the future I can continue to create stories that interest you, so that this is not a goodbye yet. I hope that many of you will continue to support and follow my work, as I move on to new and hopefully even better projects here on Wattpad.
That being said, I would also like to apologize for having many long breaks in between chapters in the second half of this book. I really tried my best to update regularly, but for many reasons, this wasn't always possible.
For one, there has been a lot happening in my life within the last year, so it was hard to find the time to sit down and write anything.
Secondly, I struggled with writer's block a lot. Due to my limited free time, it was always hard for me to get into a mindset where I felt inspired to write something. What often happened was that I sat down and my mind went blank. I often ended up rewriting chapters several times simply because nothing was working out.
And to tell you the truth, at times, this really took a tall on me and my mentality towards writing. I grew frustrated and saw writing more like a task than an activity I enjoy. On any other occasion I would have simply waited until I was inspired again, but since I had hardly written any chapters in advance for this book, I constantly felt like I was under pressure to produce something. But thankfully, I managed to recover from my writer's block enhanced edition, and I now feel like I'm finally back to where I was before. Note to self though: Write chapters in advance so you can take breaks if you need them.

Now, onto what I want to say is a more happy topic, but it might turn out to be a little bitter-sweet. But there's no way around this, so here we go anyways.
I started my first Anabeth book all the way back in June of 2020. Back then, I thought of it as being just a small project that I would finish after one book, two at most. But here we are, at the end of a whole trilogy. How did that happen? Truthfully, I could come up with all sorts of reasons, but the only one that truly mattered when I made the choice to turn this into a trilogy was the fact that I had fallen in love with the character of Anabeth more than I had anticipated.
Throughout my journey as a writer I have created many original character, but up until now, Ana might actually be my best. I developed her and made her come to life in this trilogy over the time span of more than two years. Her character grew just as any real person would.
In m eyes Anabeth's story is not only one about an OC in the Star Wars universe, but one that carries a deep personal meaning. And I only hope that at least some, if not all of you were able to find their own meaning in this story and can take it with you.

And finally onto the part that is actually happy. And that is the fact that we will not be saying goodbye to Ana yet. You might remember that I let all of you vote on what my next project was going to be a while ago. The result was unanimous and in favor of me writing a story about an alternative universe where Ana was unable to stop Sidious.
I have a lot of ideas for this book already, but in order to get started I still need to rewatch a lot of Star Wars content first. And since I learned from my previous mistakes, I will be writing some chapters in advance meaning I won't actually be publishing the first chapter until I have a few of them finished. More precisely, this means I'll be taking a short hiatus here to start on the new book. My goal is to publish the first chapter somewhere in the time frame from November to January, so December might be realistic.
But don't worry, I'll be posting regular updates here to keep all of you informed as to how it's going. Who knows, maybe I'll be ahead of schedule for once in my life.
Moreover, I'll also be available to contact here on Wattpad any time. The comment section and my DMs are always open to all of you if you have any questions or something you'd like to talk about.
My content will also not be stopping completely, as I have many chapters of Anabeth Extra stocked up which I was waiting to post once the trilogy is done. Some of them are among my favorites, so be sure to check them out. I'll gradually be posting them during the next week or two.

But for now this is it from me. Once again thank you to all of you for being amazing readers and I hope to see you all again when I begin publishing my next book. I promise to hurry, but until then, I'll see you guys soon!

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