A/n: I don't even know what to call this lol

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Hi again everyone! As I promised, here's some stuff you hopefully find exciting.

If you remember my first Anabeth book, you'll probably also remember on that book I posted a chapter where I gave you the opportunity to make some wishes about what you'd like to see, or what characters you'd like to see make an appearance again, and to ask some question about the story.
Unfortunately I was unable to do this for the second part as I had already packed that book with more ideas than I probably should have.
With this being the last book in the trilogy though, I thought it's be nice to pick the idea up again and modify it a little.
Here's how I think this could work:

1. In this chapter I'll be giving you a few options for a few categories, you'll see what I mean by that in a minute
2. You leave a comment saying which options you'd like to see or not, and I'll do the one, or maybe two if there is more than one that is highly requested, that most of you want.

So, let me list the categories and the options for it.

1) Special chapter for the end of the trilogy
A. Interview with the characters
    B. Interview with me (both about the story and me personally)
    C. Fun facts about me (and the trilogy if I can come up with any)

2) Help me decide my next project
A. Anabeth Alternative Universe where she couldn't stop Sidious
    B. A different Star Wars fan fiction
    C. Marvel fan fiction
    D. Harry Potter fan fiction

3) Getting you guys involved in the writing process
A. I offer story ideas I haven't decided whether to include or not yet and you can vote on it
    B. I do some contest, and the winner gets to pick the story ideas
    C. Like in book one: You tell me something that you'd like to see and I'll do my best to incorporate it

I'll be leaving this chapter here for about a week so that all of you ave time to comment, and then I'll post a follow up going into the details of the results. This is only going to work if as many of you as possible comment though, otherwise the book will simply end with a quick note from me, and my sister will be the one helping me decide on the story ideas and my next project which would not be ideal as I have many more readers than just my sister.
So in conclusion... please comment so I don't look like an idiot putting in all this effort just for no one to care XD
See you next week :)

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