Chapter 20 - Time skip 2

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Ana's and Aayla's trip to Raxus the next day proved to be surprisingly unproblematic. The Confederacy was a lot more welcoming than anticipated, and they got along with most of the Senators splendidly. From day one they were ahead of schedule thanks to their cooperation, so they were generally in a great mood during the trip. Ana had even gotten to see Daruss a few times during the trip which she was very happy about.

When to everyone's surprise the Confederacy voted in favor of the Jedi's plan on the first vote, Ana and Aayla returned home ahead of schedule. The council made the now finalized plan of gaining two new outposts with the Confederacy and independent systems known to the rest of the Order, receiving mostly positive feedback.

Ana was highly praised by those approving of the plan for her involvement. She earned herself the nickname 'honorary council member' from her colleagues for her close work with the council, despite not being a member. Of course, those on the other hand less happy with recent changes to the Order regarded her as the reason and gave her the less kind name of 'Windu's favourite'.

The situation threw Windu into a predicament of his own which he decided o talk about with Obi-Wan. "I'm at a loss" he admitted "I'm giving my all to hold the Jedi together right now. We have major losses from the war that are spreading us thin, we only just managed to avoid a giant financial crisis by expanding our primary territory, and we're two council members down from what we were before Yoda left, three if you count Mundi being uncooperative, and I can't fill those seats, because I'm missing Jedi qualified for the position. And Plo just came to me saying, there might be reason to worry about not having enough Masters for all the Younglings.

And still, all that people want to do is bicker about whether recent changes in the Order were necessary or even appropriate". "You can't make everyone happy, that's just the truth of life" Obi-Wan tried to cheer him up. "I know, but it just makes me angry honestly. I'm under the pressure of a lifetime, while they just sit around and complain and make Ana their scapegoat. Why Ana of all people, she is one of the few that is actually helping this blasted situation.

I'd switch Mundi out for her any day" Windu complained. "So, you want Ana on the council?" Obi-Wan asked to clarify, although he didn't seem surprised. "Simply put, yes. But it's not that simple. She's twice the Jedi Mundi will ever be, and considering he's been in almost every meeting ever since Palpatine, it's kind of overdue.

But she's still young, and if I added her now, it'd only give fuel to those accusing me favoring Ana. Like, of course I'm biased when it comes to her, but not to the point they make it out to be" Windu replied. "You're the leader now. As for the council, we've stood behind you for every decision you made, except for maybe Mundi, but that's a different topic. And the Order trusts you too.

Everyone knows that Ana is brilliant, it's a well known fact after everything she did. And if some want to condemn your decision to put her on the council, then they are doing so out of spite, not because of reason. If you feel she earned her seat, then you should give it to her" Obi-Wan advised. Windu thought about for a moment. "She'll get a seat then. I need the best team I can get, and she belongs to our best".

And so, Ana gained a seat on the council. All except Mundi happily approved of her appointment, welcoming her with open arms. The news made their rounds through the Temple, indeed angering those already unhappy with recent changes more. The rest of the Order was fine with Ana's new position though, and celebrated with her.

In general, most Jedi seemed happier than ever as construction of the embassies on Raxus and Mandalore began and the no attachment rule was gone. And even though only a small group of Jedi were unhappy with the direction the order was headed in, they still managed to make a lot of noise about it.

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