Chapter 15 - An Uninvited Guest

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It was early the next morning, and most of the Temple was still asleep. During last night's council meeting, Ana's ideas on funding the Jedi order and widening their focuse had been discussed and mostly approved under the terms of further discussion in the future.

Ventress and Vos had still not made contact yet, and they were fast approaching the 36 hour mark. Worry began to grow that they had indeed had an unpleasant run in with the witch they were hunting.

Ana had gotten up early and met with Caleb to help him with his studies. Similar to her, the boy liked studying in the early morning when most of the Temple was still quiet. They sat down in the almost empty library, and Ana helped him get through the topics he still had trouble with.

They had barely gotten through half of the material when they suddenly heard a sound that sounded awfully like solid steel smashing through stone. The quietness of the whole Temple only amplified the noise and make both Caleb and Ana stop what they were doing.

"What was that?" Caleb asked a little panicked. "I have no idea, and I'm not sure I even want to know" Ana replied, "But I guess we'll find out when Windu calls, which should happen in about three... two... one". Right on the beat of zero, Ana's comlink started beeping.

"Called it" Ana said before picking up "Hi, Master". "Hi, Ana. How did you know I was calling?". "The sound of something smashing its' way through our walls. Trouble is usually quickly followed by a call from you. So, where did they hit and with what? And most importantly, who was it?"

"As far as I can tell from here someone managed to crash their ship into hanger one and two. But I have no idea who" Windu explained, "I'm heading to the strategy room to find out more, I was hoping you could meet me there".

"Sure. Want me to bring Caleb or leave him in the library?". "Bring him just in case. Depa would have my head if something happened to him". "Alright, we're on our way".

"This is exciting. I've never been allowed into the strategy room during a crisis before" Caleb cheered as they headed out of the library. "Just so you know, you'll be sitting in the corner staying quiet and listening to the adults. This could turn out to be the opposite of fun" Ana instructed.

"You mean like, just some incompetent pilot?". "No, I mean this could turn out to be dangerous. One doesn't just crash into the Jedi Temple, at least not in my experience. One can hope though". "Yeah, it's just that usually people hope for a promotion or a gift. Why are we hoping for such messed up things?". "Because we're Jedi. Messed up situations are part of the job describtion".

"Wow, sounds like everyone's dream job. What else do we advertise ourselves as?". "Those who solve those messes, so get a move on, I have work to do". Caleb quickened his steps, catching up to Ana again. They weren't even half way to the strategy room when Ana's comlink beeped again. Once again, Windu as the origin of the call.

"I hate to have to ask you this, but could you go to the hanger instead? I have live feed of the ship and it is definitely Dathomirian. I already sent Drallig, Kolar and Plo to back up the guards, but you're closest and we're spread thin right now". "I'll go there straight away. I'll send Caleb alone from here" Ana nodded at Caleb to go on without her. The boy hesitated briefly before heading off in the direction of the strategy room.

"What about Anakin and Obi-Wan, are they here yet?". "Still heading to the Temple" Windu informed her. "I'm guessing Allie and Mundi are helping you out from the strategy room?". "Yes". "Can you get Ahsoka to back me up then? If this is who we think it is, I'd feel better with every extra lightsaber". "On it. One more thing though, tell everyone to get on a comm channel before you go in. Audio isn't working anymore, and I'd love to hear what she has to say too". "Sure".

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