A/n: Follow up to my last announcement

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Hello everyone, I'm finally back to follow up my last author's note where I said I was debating whether I'd write the Ana AU or not. I know I'm writing this a little later than I said I would, but better late than never.

First of all, I want to thank everyone who voted for the Ana AU (I got a few votes through my DMs from friends of mine as well). Seeing how many of you still enjoyed Ana, even after my long hiatus has really motivated me to come back to writing.

Now, as for my plans for my next book, I have decided to write the Ana AU.

I made this decision because:
1. I've come to realize that as long as there is even a single one of you still excitedly waiting for Ana's story to continue, then there is no way that I will be letting you down
2. I don't have an endless amount of time during my weeks, meaning it would be hard for me to come up with an entirely new story
3. Even I still want to find out how Ana's story continues in the AU, and I feel like coming back to Ana is something that is bound to give me great comfort and nostalgia

So Ladies and Gentlemen, strap in and enjoy the ride as over the next few months you and I are going to explore in depth how things would have gone in the galaxy far far away, if Ana was around during the reign of the Empire.

If you have any suggestions or wishes for characters that you would like to see in the AU, sideplots or even plots you would love for me to explore, or anything else, then please comment them here or DM me. I'd be delighted if you shared your ideas or wishes with me so that I can implement them to give the story a more unique touch.

Little disclaimer beforehand though: The amount of time per week I can put into writing is going to vary. I will do my best to publish at least every two weeks, even every week when I can, but please don't be upset if I can't alway stick to that schedule.

And last but not least, be ready for a few new Anabeth Extra chapters to release in the next few days while you guys wait for me to publish the first chapter of the AU. One Anabeth Extra chapter will be up within the next half an hour, and it's going to be a format I haven't done there before, so I hope all of you are excited.

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