New Building, New Friends Part 1

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Mario/Bowser Household

Junior: *Snore* Thomas... *Snore* Penelope...

Chef Pee Pee: *Creaks open door and whispers* Junior...*Singsong voice* Junior...*Groans and rushes out of the room*

Junior: *Snorts* Burnt Mac & Cheese? My favorite...

Chef Pee Pee: *Walks back into the room with Bowser* See, he is not getting up.

Bowser: *Growls with smoke coming out of his mouth and nostrils* JUNIOR!

Junior: *Shifts in bed and flips to his side, smacking his lips*

Bowser: *Walks up to Junior's bed and punches him in the arm* GET THE HELL UP JUNIOR!

Junior: *Jolts awake and pulls down his sleeping mask* OW DAD! WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!

Bowser: You wouldn't get up for school and the only surefire way of getting you up *Punches palm, releases more smoke out of his nostrils, and smirks* is brute force...

Junior: I don't even have school until two days from now!

Bowser: *Rolls eyes* I know, I know. You have to get up early today since you need to get a tour of the new school. Called something like "Why U Dumb", for some reason they decided to schedule it for two days before the first day.

Junior: *Sighs* Fine, I'll get dressed. I just need you two to leave the room since I am currently *Pulls blanket up and looks down* a little naked.

Chef Pee Pee: *Gags* Why do you sleep naked?

Junior: We live in Florida and it is currently hotter than Jeffy's mom, the real question is why aren't YOU sleeping naked?

Chef Pee Pee: *Tsk's and walks out again* I am not even going to dignify that with a response.

Bowser: I've got better things to do than talk about your sleeping habits. If you need me and you better *Pokes Junior's chest* not need me, I will be on a date with Charley. *Walks out of the room and slams the door*

Junior: *Flinches and walks towards his closet* 'I wonder how everyone else is doing right now...' *Pulls out a pine tank top*

(Meanwhile in the Nutkiss household)

Judy: Codykins, get downstairs!...he is not coming down yet is he? *Cups mouth* Cody!

Tyrone: *Walks towards the upstairs and holds Judy back with his hand* Step aside Judith, I've got this! *Inhales and exhales deeply* Cody Kappa Nutkiss, you better get that behind down here or I will SELL YOU ON THE DARK WEB AGAIN!

Judy: *Snaps her head towards Tyrone and blinks hard* Did you...just say again?

Tyrone: *Lightly punches Judy's left arm and nervously sweats* C'mon Jude, you know I would never s-sell our son.

Cody: *Rushes up the stairs with wild hair and rings under his eyes with one twitching* I learned my lesson after last time dad, I have no clue how Screwball even had access to the internet.

Judy: Tyrone!

Tyrone: *Shakily laughs* Why are you worrying? He's here still, it wasn't permanent.

Judy: *Sighs heavily* Tyrone you sold our kid to the homeless clown that is probably riddled with several diseases. You know that one more condition will make Cody topple over like a Jenga tower!

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