Jurassic Symphony

142 5 74

Random School Playground Outskirts
11: 45 AM

Cody: Junior, this is a stupid idea.

Junior: How is it a stupid idea? It's just a chair!

Cody: A chair of which is broken, covered in sand, and is here due to a car accident that caused the death of the mayor.

Jeffy: He's still alive. SMG4 can't actually die, so it's not haunted.

Bully Bill: Still though lame-o, you might wake up tomorrow with a gnarly rash.

Jeffy: *Side eyes Bully* Your insults are getting sloppy.

Alice: *Plops onto the chair*

Angelina: Alice!

Alice: This chair is surprisingly soft. From here on out this is my playground relaxing chair where I sit here...to relax.

Junior: Sounds like a plan to me.

Angelina: My mum always said not to use random stuff you find on the street or in this case a school playground.

Cody: Sounds like someone's mom has a brain. My mom would probably join Alice in that chair.

Joseph: Nah, don't put Alice through that torture.

Junior: Beat me to it.

Junior and Joseph: *High-five each other*

Lisa Simpson: *Comes up behind Junior and Joseph* Hey everyone!

Joseph: *Turns to her* Oh hey Lisa.

Junior: Who's the girl coming up behind you?

???: *Walks towards them* What do you have there?

Alice: It's my relaxing chair where I come to sit...and relax.

Angelina: *Grins* Oh that's one of the fifth graders Robert, she's British just like Alice and I!

Hilda: Hello there, my name is Hilda. I was coming over here to see if anyone had any fire abilities? I need it for some cave exploration I was going to do over the weekend. I recently found it in the middle of the forest.

Junior: I can, is it okay if I bring some friends along?

Hilda: Sure, I'm bringing some myself, so the more the merrier!

Junior: *Points to everyone around him* Weekend adventure?

Everyone: Yes!

Junior: I'm surprised you accepted it Bully.

Bully Bill: Eh, my schedule is pretty dry this weekend and I'll do literally anything to get out of having to work at my dads gym. It's Planet Fitness levels of profoundly terrible.

Hilda: Looks like that went well!

Junior: I sure hope the adventure will actually be a chapter and not just be a cheap way of introducing a character.

Jad686: *Pops up out of nowhere* No promises.

Everyone: *Screams*

Jeffy: One of these days I'm going to knock you out you crazy woman!

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