New Building, New Friends Part 2

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Mrs. Sparkle: *Comes to a halt* Okay kids, here we are.

*The camera widens and show a new, sleek nurses office which is a massive upgrade from the previous one*

Joseph: *Whistles*

Cody: Glad it's not a linen closet this time.

Diddy Kong: *Deadpans* I worry for each and every one of y'all's physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health...

Mrs. Sparkle: The case of Mr. Winkle led to some teachers getting payed money to keep quiet about how he was allowed to work here. Some teachers including myself decided to pool some money together using that extra money since some of us were already considerably well off to begin with.

Bully Bill: *Chuckles* Then why are you a teacher?

Mrs. Sparkle: *Ignores the nastiness of his comment* Teaching was always a dream of mine, I am not in it for the pay. Anyways, we were able to get things like this new office. *Lightly taps her fingers on one of the windows*

Lisa: Wait, so he gave you hush money? Why did you accept it?

Mrs. Sparkle: There was more to it, things that you can't understand and even if you could...I can't tell you.

Lisa: *Squints eyes in suspicion* Okay...

Mrs. Sparkle: *Knocks on the door* Nurse Guy, you have kids here to see you!

Nurse Guy: *Opens the door* Oh hello there Twilight!

Penelope: *Covers face* You are invisible. You are invisible. You are invisible.

Nurse Guy: *Looks at Penelope and gasps loudly* *Rushes towards Penelope, lifts her into the air, and gives her a tight hug* My baby!

Penelope: *Struggles to get out of her clutch*'re crushing my...ribs!

Nurse Guy: *Gently puts Penelope downs and puts her palm on the back of her neck* Sorry baby, I am just so happy to see you!

Cody: *Tries to hold in his laughter*

Penelope: Oh shut the hell up Cody!

Junior: Now I KNOW you're not the one who is laughing.

Mrs. Sparkle: These are the students for the school, well my class at least.

Nurse Guy: *Turns to the rest of the class* Well I think it is lovely to be meeting you all. Some of you I even recognize. *Snaps head towards Joseph* Including you Joseph.

Joseph: Son of a #%#%#...

Nurse Guy: Please tell your father t-

Joseph. I GET! I am sorry that my dad is a Dry Bones!

Nurse Guy: *Closes her eyes and smiles* You're forgiven.

Joseph: *Scoffs*

Everyone: *Enters the office*

Nurse Guy: So kids this is the nurses office, if you ever need anything medically during school hours this is the place to go.

Mrs. Sparkle: Nurse Guy is a good friend of mine. She got this job since she wanted to spend more time with me and she just loves to work with kids.

Nurse Guy: Couldn't have said it better myself. *Claps hands together* Now kids, you didn't just come here to know where the office was. *Pulls out a box from her desk* You need to take these home to your parents to fill out.

Alice: *Raises one eyebrow* What are they?

Nurse Guy: *Pulls a card out* This here is a emergency card, it is a card meant to fill out information to make it easier to contact your parent or guardian in the case of a emergency. *Bends down to the group and grins* Now I am sure that you can do that for me right?

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