A Random First Day

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Household Kitchen

Junior: *Walks into the kitchen and yawns loudly* Mornin' Chef Pee Pee.

Chef Pee Pee: Good morning Junior, are you ready for breakfast? If you are, go to the dining room. I've got a surprise for you.

Junior: *Gasps loudly* Blueberry pancakes?!*Rushes towards the dining room* Good morning blueberry panca...kes.

*The camera pans over to a bowl of Marshmallow Matey's*

Junior: *Growls, causing smoke to come out of his nostrils* Chef Pee Pee, what the hell is this?!

Chef Pee Pee: It's your breakfast that I slaved over the counter for, you're welcome!

Junior: *Said through gritted teeth* If you were going to make me cereal, *Opens mouth* I would've poured a bowl MYSELF!

Chef Pee Pee: Beggars can't be choosers!

Junior: Oh they can and I choose *Throws the bowl at the wall* to not eat this!

Chef Pee Pee: You're not Jeffy!

Junior: What makes you think I am not? *Voice switches to a Jeffy voice* Hey, my name is Jeffy. See it says it on my shirt, Je-ffy!

Jeffy: *Pops up from behind Junior* Wow Junior, you sound very handsome right now!

Mario: Alright Jeffy, do you have everything you need for the first day?

Jeffy: Yeah daddy, you don't need to worry about me.

Mario: Your pencils?

Jeffy: *Pulls out pencils* Yup.

Mario: Your erasers?

Jeffy: *Pulls out erasers* Sí.

Mario: Your notebooks, folders, and binders?

Jeffy: Oui. Hai. Nai.

Mario: Alright, say goodbye to your mother.

Jeffy: Alright daddy...bye mommy!

Rosalina: *Off-screen* Bye Jeffy, have an amazing first day sweetie!

Chef Pee Pee: Jeffy, what is that in back of your diaper? *Points to a green mass in Jeffy's diaper*

Jeffy: *Twists and looks at the mass* Oh this? Would you believe me if I said that it was shamrock shake?

Mario: *Deadpans* It's way past March.

Jeffy: Uhh, melted gumdrops?

Chef Pee Pee: No.

Jeffy: *Fiddles with his hands* Diaper nectar?

Junior: No.

Jeffy: Some of Mother Nature's tears?

Mario: *Groans* Just tell me the truth Jeffy!

Jeffy: Fine...it's the green beans you gave me for breakfast.

Mario: JEFFY!

Jeffy: You have to understand daddy, I don't like green beans!

Chef Pee Pee: Jeffy, they're good for you. It's a parents job to keep their child healthy.

Woody: *Enters the room while cleaning his gun* Didn't your old mama starve you? Wouldn't that make you more grateful for what you have?

Mario: Woody that is a touchy subject for Jeffy. I may be mad at him, but I wouldn't mention that.

Woody: I understand that better than anybody in this house, I'm just sayin' that maybe he should be more grateful.

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