Dashing Into a Challenge Part 1

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Cody: *Walks down the hall towards Class 010* Alright Cody, don't panic. Today is just gym class. It won't be anything too complicated. *Enters the class room and sits next to ???*

Junior: *Turns to Cody* Hey Cody.

Cody: What's up Junebug?

Junior: What do you think we will be doing for gym today?

Cody: Not sure, *Nervously chuckles* not exactly something I want to think about.

Junior: Gym isn't something your mom likes to think about.

Cody: *Rolls his eyes* Ha. Ha.

Mrs. Sparkle: *Enters the classroom* Looks like everyone is here today! We have a bright day and quite the learning experience ahead of us!

Cody and Lisa: *Cheers loudly*

Mrs. Sparkle: Math is quite the crucial subject to keep drilled in your heads and due to that the staff including me wants to make sure that you all have the knowledge to its greatest potential. First block is always pretty likely to get cancelled due to early morning assemblies, so to stop that we are now switching the block placement of English and math around.

Toad: Fine by me, the later the better.

Alice: *Sighs in relief* It's very confusing to do those math equations that early in the morning anyway.

Cody: *Raises his hand*

Mrs. Sparkle: Yes Cody?

Cody: We are not all here, where is Joseph?

Mrs. Sparkle: Joseph?

Cody: Yeah, Joseph Seymour Hisfriendfromschool. He was here yesterday and on the tour.

Mrs. Sparkle: *Pulls out a clipboard* I don't see a Joseph on my attendance sheet unless there is a new 21st student I am unaware of.

Cody: *Groans* We all introduced ourselves on the first day.

Junior: Cody, why are you talking about Joseph right now to the teacher?

Cody: *Raises one eyebrow* He isn't here and she's saying it's perfect attendance.

Toad: I wish you were right, but it's perfect attendance.

Cody: Wish? I am right, Joseph sits right next to me.

Jeffy: *Chortles* You're really funny Cody, Feebee sits next to you.

Cody: *Eyes widen and he turns to see Feebee, feeling a sudden pain in his chest* Feebee?

Feebee: My name is Feebee! Buzz, buzz! Don't wear it out, do you want to see my crayon?

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